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Hey campers! Believe it or not, today is our one-year Patreon anniversary. We’ve had the time of our lives bringing you fab new projects and videos every month, and getting to know you through live streams and virtual sewing circles. 

To keep things fresh, we’re introducing a whole new theme for our second year. This space has now been transformed into Camp Gertie, and we’ve gotten a Troop Beverly Hills-style makeover. But don't worry, we're still going to be releasing the monthly projects you've come to know and love. We’ve updated the tiers to reflect some new benefits (turns out we do need those stinkin’ badges!) and we’ve added some fun new ways to connect with your fellow campers. Read on to learn more about our new theme and the ways the tiers are changing!

What’s Camp Gertie?

Come enter the friendship circle! You’re a Charm Scout now, and Camp Gertie is your new home away from home. Imagine a magical place where sewing machines whir all day, a million stars twinkle in the night sky, cute animals frolic, and friendship is the fabric that keeps us together. Join your fellow scouts in sewing class, roast a marshmallow over the campfire, take a dip in the lake in your cutest retro swimsuit, and fall asleep under the twinkling lights in the glampsite.

We’re a troop of sewing enthusiasts with a love of vintage glamour. And above all, Charm Scouts know how to feel the fantasy and make it a reality. We believe in exploring every inspiration to its fullest. Sewing is an art, and every artist owes it to themselves to dig as deep as possible into the wells of creativity and self-discovery.

Much like Phyllis Nefler in the ‘80s classic “Troop Beverly Hills'', we believe that being kind, fabulous, and resourceful all go hand-in-hand. As Phyllis famously said, “I started my new meaningful life today, and I bought a whole new meaningful wardrobe to go with it.” Charm Scouts believe that sewing is way more powerful than shopping (well, unless we’re talking about fabric shopping). Sewing is a skill that has been passed on for generations, and we love being a part of that herstory. We also love that our skills result in glamorous new wardrobes that make us feel like a million dollars.

What Does Being a Charm Scout Mean?

Every month at Camp Gertie, you’ll receive an inspiring new project and video to expand your sewing horizons. Education is one of the most important tenets of Charm Scout life, so we make sure to provide you with the tools necessary to advance your skills. You can also earn merit badges in everything from buttonholes to bias binding! Everyone loves a well-decorated sash, so make sure to choose the appropriate tier and read the fine print below.

Community is another of our main tenets, some might even say the most important. A Charm Scout is a friend to all and a sister* to every other Charm Scout, and we strive for cheerful kindness in all of our interactions, especially online. Meet your fellow scouts at monthly virtual troop meetings as well as other live events. We’re also introducing the Charm Scout Discord server, a place where you can chat with your fellow campers, share inspiration, and post photos of your latest projects.

Pick a tier and dive in...the water is fine here at Camp Gertie!

*(We say sisterhood because it aligns with our core beliefs of feminism, but all genders are welcome here! In fact, everyone is welcome here and diversity and inclusion are part of the Charm Scout way of life.)

But What About My Tier?!

Please see our home page for a detailed list at the new tiers and their benefits. Here are the changes for people who are already patrons. Please note that no billing changes will go into effect until the next billing cycle (March 1st). HOWEVER! If you change tiers now, you will only be charged the difference between your old and new tier:

  • The Rita ($3) tier will no longer be available to new patrons. It was our least popular tier and we’ve heard your feedback. If you’re in the Rita tier and wish to remain there, you are “grandfathered” in and can hang out there for the foreseeable future.
  • The Dorothy ($7) tier is now becoming the Daisy Scout Tier (still $7). Benefits remain largely the same. Please note that this tier does not receive monthly merit badges! So if you want to receive badges in the mail, please update to the all-new Rose Scout Tier ($10) by February 28th to make sure you receive all the badges.
  • The Print Princess ($14) tier will no longer be available to new patrons. If you’re in the Print Princess tier and wish to remain there, you are “grandfathered” in and can hang out there for the foreseeable future. We’ve made some changes to the way Charm benefits are structured, so please make sure to read the updated tier description. Please note that this tier does not receive monthly merit badges! So if you want to receive badges in the mail and remain a Princess, please update to the Print Princess Scout Tier ($16) by February 28th to make sure you receive all the badges.
  • The PDF Princess ($17) tier will no longer be available to new patrons. If you’re in the PDF Princess tier and wish to remain there, you are “grandfathered” in and can hang out there for the foreseeable future. We’ve made some changes to the way Charm benefits are structured, so please make sure to read the updated tier description. Please note that this tier does not receive monthly merit badges! So if you want to receive badges in the mail and remain a Princess, please update to the PDF Princess Scout Tier ($19) by February 28th to make sure you receive all the badges..

***So just to wrap up: you need to upgrade you tier by February 28th if you want to receive all the merit badges (which begin shipping in March). You will only be charged the difference between your new and old tier for upgrading upon choosing your new tier. On March 1st, you will be charged the entire amount for your new tier as usual.***

Tell Me More About Merit Badges

We’re so excited to be introducing a monthly merit badge based on the skills you learn in the monthly project. These adorable embroidered badges will be mailed to you by the end of the month. You must be in your tier at midnight on the first day of the month to receive a merit badge in the mail. If you sign up for a tier with merit badges after the 1st of the month, your first merit badge will arrive the following month. If we have leftover badges at the end of the year, we will put them in the Patreon exclusive merch store on my website (more coming about that soon!).

What if I paid for the year but want to upgrade my tier?

No worries! You can upgrade and you will only be charged the pro-rated annual difference between your old and new tiers.

Wait! I can pay for a year at once?!

Yes! We quietly introduced this benefit a few months ago, and I guess it’s time to really let the cat out of the bag! You can pay for a whole year in advance on your membership account. The biggest benefit to this is not dealing with monthly charges on your credit card, and the peace of mind knowing that your membership fee won’t be declined if you get a new credit card or your card expires. (So you won’t risk missing out on monthly merit badges!)

More questions?

Make sure to tune in to my Crowdcast later today! I'll be doing a live Q&A about the changes. You can always watch the replay later if you can't make it live. 

I hope you love our new theme. It's going to be a great year!






Is it 1st January yet?????????????????? :P


I can't wait as this will be my first month on Patreon❤️