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Alright, here's the first part of .024 update, so I'm calling it .013. This is the whole third day, with the fourth one still on the way. I know that looks bad, but I actually wrote a lot for the third day. It's almost the same number of words as the .007 and .009 updates combined. All of the pregnancy content is in this release right now, as is all of the patron-requested content. Of course, let me know if you find any bugs and I'll take a look at them as soon as possible.

EDIT:  I should mention I ended up temporarily scrapping the beer pong tournament event for now, but I think I put a pretty funny consolation prize in instead.

I'm going to update this as mirrors finish uploading. 




UPDATE ONLY (.009 -> 0.013)




Sentimental Penguin

Ok so what is all the available pregnancy content now?


How so I get it to work on my phone?


Right now it's just in the dreams in the Jake and Sofia paths. It's going to have to just be in dreams for now until it's been a few months in-game and women can actually start 'showing'. But right now there's a bunch of gifs and a photoshop attempt to give you an idea of what the rest of the content will look like in the future.

Sentimental Penguin

Hmm. I wonder if Brown/Body Magic (or some other school) can make it so you can accelerate pregnancies?


Here's a post someone made on this topic before on a forum, hopefully it helps: "So.....find the HTML gamefile in your phone with a file explorer, look at its properties, copy the filepath, go to your mobile browser, change the url to file:// and right beside it copy the file location of the game. Works in every (mobile) browser. Enjoy the game! Examples of games I run this way: file:///storage/emulated/0/F95ZG/Incubus%20city/Incubus%20City.html file:///storage/emulated/0/F95ZG/Path%20to%20Paradise/PATH%20TO%20PARADISE%20v0.20.html file:///storage/emulated/0/Download/The%20Company/TheCompany.html"


Originally, I was going to do that with brown magic but then I decided to make it the black magic instead since it'll allow you to spontaneously create life (impregnate people you didn't have sex with) and abort it (if you decide you want to see the non-pregnant version again). Once I'm more confident in my photoshopping, you'll start to see that option show up, since once a person's pregnant I'll have to start making pregnant alts for every interaction lol.

Sentimental Penguin

Hmm. As a preggo fetishist, that doesn't sit right with me. I don't want it to be flavored as "remotely impregnating people, then remotely terminating pregnancies". It's more fun to "speed up, slow down, or reverse the fruits of your, um, labor".


I mean time-related stuff is going to be black's domain as well, but in hindsight I guess the pregnancy stuff shouldn't be tied to corruption for players that want to do a 0-corruption run. It might end up getting tied to brown in the end. I'll have to think about it, because I also don't want people to get 'surprised' by it if they think it's just gong to lead to a normal transformation effect. One thing I have to warn though is that, while in my dream of dreams, there'd be different content for different stages of pregnancy, it's really only feasible for me to go 'not pregnant' to 'full pregnant' for characters lol.

Sentimental Penguin

Then you can flavor it as advancing/reversing the progress of the pregnancy, I guess? I mean, preggo fetishists are probably gonna be aiming to build up the brown school anyway if they want to impregnate everyone, including the dudes. :P


Yeah that's true about building up the brown school lol. I may make it tied to that as a minor spell and just fudge the rules a little where you can see what it does even if you're not level 2 in brown yet, just so there's no law of surprise for random clickers lol.

Sentimental Penguin

I mean, brown is already less likely to get clicked just because we're all traumatized by what brown usually is associated with in h-games. Maybe changing the school color is an option as well???


Lol, I'm not going to lie, that was one of the big concerns I had when I first started making the game. Having a brown school and another one called Wind/yellow felt like it was just asking for trouble.

Sincere K

When is part 2 coming out


It's hard for me to say exactly (hence why some parts are released before others) but I'd say a week at the latest, very probably sooner.

Sentimental Penguin

I've been thinking about the Colors of Magic/Brown School problem. Here's a bunch of issues: 1. Brown and Purple are both hard to read in the default black Twine background. 2. Brown = chocolate raiiin 3. It can be confusing when Fitness = Orange in stats but Orange = sleep in Magic. 4. Yellow = Wind is a very strange color association as well. With all those parameters in mind, here's my proposed colors for Magic: Heat = Red (no change) Rain = Blue (no change) Greed = Gold Sleep = Cyan/Light Blue Transform/Body = Orange Wind = Green Lust = Pink (No Change) Mental = Purple (But pick a brighter/lighter shade?)


You've brought up a lot of good points, but some just aren't really feasible to address this deep into the game. Like changing a school's color would mean changing every reference to it across every single passage where it's mentioned lol. What I can do though is address colors being terrible against a black background. That's just a couple of widgets so I wouldn't have to worry about missing stuff or creating new bugs for that.

Sentimental Penguin

Hmm. I can run a quick find/replace check on a decompiled file, and PM you what I got? I just REALLY dislike having a brown school of magic. :P

Red Claw

Just caught some Bugs on another playthrough at Day 2. When visiting the Park and walking Monica back to the Dorm there is a pic of the Restaurant waitress instead of Monica. If you then choose the rain / blue light Option there is a broken image with an image of Monica under it.


Damn, I thought I got everything there lol. I'll take a look at it again, thanks.

Steven Stirling

Well I said in my review over on F95 that if you kept up your pace that I would subscribe. You held up your end so here I am upholding mine ;-)