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Alright, with the outline finished, writing has begun on the next update. I also received a list of bugs and typos today, so I'm going to spend a bit of time addressing them. If you're wondering why your character knew Suzie despite never having met her before, I'll be taking care of that today. 

I'm going to post a comprehensive outline of the upcoming update, but I'm going to do that at the end for anyone concerned with spoilers. For right now, I wanted to gauge thoughts on February's update. I was thinking of making Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday a test run for random class scenes, with most of the content outside of classes being story-focused. As a result, this would mean next month's vote would be on which spell colors to focus on for random class scenes instead of specific characters. I might make this another poll depending on how the response is over the next week if people are conflicted about it. 

The alternative would be to have a normal update with characters being voted on, but then some classes would just give you a stat bump and not really have any light interactions to make room for specific character moments. The next update's going to cover the three days leading up to the weekend no matter what, so it's just a matter of determining how the events are distributed in the lead up to it.

Anyway, let me know in the comments what your thoughts are. If people want to stick with a normal update, I'm fine with that as well, this was just an alternate idea I had for people that want more replayability. 

EDIT: It would seem this idea was not nearly as interesting as I thought it'd be lol. Next month's going to be a normal update where you vote on characters like you have so far. Sorry for any confusion. 

Okay, now that that's out of the way, here's a deeper look at what's planned for this update: 

First, you'll wake up to the missed call from Monica that was originally hinted at in the last update's outline. I moved it to the start of this update because I felt the end of the dream was a better stopping point in the narrative. 

The Maywoods will then leave campus and you'll have a little goodbye scene with them. Just a reminder, just because Mrs. Maywood's gone for this update doesn't mean she's forgotten. You'll still be able to talk to her on the phone and continue guiding your relationship with her. 

Next up is the English class with the following lights: 

Brown - Transform your new classmate Devin, though he has an unusual reaction to the lights...

Green - You'll be able to pay Prof. Ward for a variety of effects, such as ending class early, getting answers to tests for a large intelligence boost, and getting her personal phone number (along with a rare photo to go with it).

Red - Heat up the class and turn it into an impromptu lingerie party. 

History class: 

Blue - Mess with Jill's water bottle for interesting results. 

Orange - Enter Suzie's dream to get a deeper look at her family life and backstory. 

Black - Summon your assistant to look into one of the options from yesterday that you didn't pick or look into a classmate's absence today and find out where they are. Also, she'll show up in another unusual outfit and explain that she can manifest in a variety of ways. It turns out Ava Addams has a ton of weird photo gallery sets so I'm going to make the most of it.


Pink - Target Prof. Nadir to get her flustered in the middle of her lecture. 

Purple - You'll attempt to read Prof. Nadir's mind, but it will backfire, regardless of your spell level. Oooooo mysterious. 

Yellow - Have a little telekinetic fun in class. 

Once your classes are over, it'll be dinner time. I know before I mentioned having dinner with Lydia and Jill, but I replaced that with Brittany and Stacy since they won the poll and there are time constraints for how many branches I can make in a month. So your new dinner possibilities are Jake, Rio and Sofia, or Brittany and Stacy. They all have the same light choices, but obviously each grouping's experience will be different with them. 

Dinner - Jake:

Orange - Branching dream paths dealing with feminization, desire, and masculinity. This will also be my first attempt at photoshopping pregnant content, so wish me luck. 

Pink - Get Jake flustered just in time for a call from Ms. Hill. 

Brown - Have dinner with Jane. 

Dinner - Rio and Sofia: 

Orange - Sofia's dream has to do with wanting to 'have it all' despite being worked to the point of exhaustion. Her greatest dream is also her greatest nightmare.  

Pink - Sofia will get handsy and suggest that the two of you go back to her room for a bit. Confused, Rio will offer to come back too but Sofia will tell her to go to the library for an hour instead. 

Brown - Transformation where Sofia becomes an exaggerated version of herself who only cares about getting pregnant and having a large family... with a played up accent. 

Dinner - Brittany and Stacy: 

Orange - Look into Brittany's dream that deals with her loneliness and trust issues. 

Pink - Make Brittany unusually flustered in front of her friend.

Brown - Transform Brittany into a flirtatious blonde. 

After dinner, you'll either receive a text or hear from the person you're eating with that Brittany and Kayla are having a 'no more parents' party tonight at their apartment. You can go to the party with Jake, check out the library (if you talked to Ms. Chang about the archives yesterday), or go upstairs in the dorm to talk to Suzie. 

Brittany's party will let you split up into hanging out with Brittany and her friend Stacy, Kayla and her friend Rachel, or Heather and her friend Nikki. Like dinner, they'll all have access to the same lights, but their effects will vary based on who you're partying with. 

Party - Brittany: 

Blue - This will be the new shrinking ability. You'll be able to Ant Man your way into a locked room where Brittany's getting high with some shady fellows. 

Red - Another lingerie party, but this time literally. 

Pink - Create a bidding war between Stacy and Brittany. 

Party - Kayla: 

Blue - Eavesdrop on a phone conversation between Kayla and her mom and then spill some beer on Kayla's shirt. 

Red - Same as above, but with a focus on Kayla's results this time. 

Pink - Rachel and Kayla will dance with you, though it'll be much less competitive than Stacy and Brittany. 

Party - Heather: 

Blue - Hitch a ride in Heather's purse when she leaves the party. 

Red - Same as above, but with a focus on Heather's results this time. 

Pink - Nikki will start dancing with you until Heather tries to butt in. You can choose who to support. If you pick Heather, Nikki will watch the two of you. If you choose Nikki though, Heather will get angry and leave. 

If you unlocked the library option and go there, you'll be able to spend time with Ms. Chang or see Karen Porter reading a book in a secluded area. 

Library - Ms. Chang: 

Pink - Have fun in the Archives with Ms. Chang. 

Yellow - If you used the yellow light on her yesterday, you can remind her of it and basically admit it was you while doing it to her again. 

Major Purple - This is just going to be a major option to give people purple experience 

Library - Karen Porter: 

Pink - You can remind Karen of how she behaved yesterday if you used it in the parking lot. 

Yellow - Have some telekinetic fun. 

Major Purple - If I have time, this might be a moderate roleplay one like the mall and last update's hotel sequence. As much as I like writing those scenes specifically though, they do take a LONG time, so no promises. Expect it to be a major spell that just gives experience.

If you go upstairs to talk to Suzie, you'll be directed to see Kyle instead.

Dorm - Kyle: 

Brown - I haven't counted up the total spell experience yet, but if this is enough for a Major spell, it'll be Major. Otherwise, it'll be a normal moderate brown spell to hang out with Kylie. 

Blue - Ant Man it up when Kyle receives a booty call from Heather. 

Orange - Check out Kyle's dream. If you've played Persona 5, it'll be very familiar.

At the end of the night, you'll either drunkenly pass out on Brittany's floor or go back to sleep in your dorm. Either way, you'll be able to make a call to Mrs. Maywood or Ms. Hill, though drinking will definitely change the tone of the conversation. 

When you actually go to sleep that night, you'll get another dream visit from the succubus. Though this time she'll look decidedly less demonic. If you cheated, she'll be shocked at how powerful you've gotten so quickly and then remark that you don't really need her services right now. If you didn't cheat though, you'll be rewarded for your integrity by spending time with her and your/her assistant. If you haven't already met Kitty, you'll get a brief introduction before fun times. 

EDIT: I thought about this and I've decided to make the scenes available to people that cheated as well. I don't want to lock people out of content or feel like I'm punishing people so the sexy times will be available to everyone. The succubus WILL make comments though depending on if you cheated or not ;).  


Alright, since that's obviously a lot of branching content, Day Two is much more straightforward, but you've still got options in each of the scenes. 

First, you'll get a phone call from Mrs. Wilson. She'll mention coming up on Friday. Then it's off to class. 


Blue - Ant Man around the biology lab, have fun with Prof. Patel, Rio, or spy on Brittany's phone. 

Brown - Transform Rio into an exaggerated, but incredibly dumb, version of herself. 

Black - Stop time and mess around in the lab, pulling pranks on the Professor, your rival Tom, and Brittany and Rio. 


Brown - Transform Prof. Stein into an attractive older woman. Tom and his friend Eric will try to hit on her and you can help them out from afar, step in as well, or kick them out with a minor red spell for some alone time.

Yellow - Use wind powers on Lydia or to torment Tom and Eric. 

Green - Pay Eric to beat up Tom, Pay Tom to call Kayla crying, or pay Lydia for fun times in a nearby bathroom. 

EDIT: I completely skipped over dinner and it's actually pretty important. These will be the first major lights that players can actually unlock and see new scenes with, assuming you've reached level 5 with the appropriate color, of course. At dinner, you'll be able to eat with Jake, Brittany and Stacy, or Karen Porter. 

Dinner - Jake: 

Major Brown - You'll be able to transform Jake and choose whether to keep his personality normal or bimbofied. She'll still have a separate memory track for now, but that'll be something you can work on over time. 

Major Purple - Possess Jake and then have some fun interacting with some of the girls in the cafeteria or call Ms. Hill and show her the new, assertive, you. 

Major Green - This will be similar to previous green lights only you don't just make money appear - you magically steal it from him. When he discovers his bank balance is wiped out, you'll be able to really take advantage of his desperation. 

Dinner - Brittany: 

Major Brown - Same as with Jake.

Major Purple - Possess Stacy and seduce Brittany back at her apartment. 

Major Green - Brittany will panic when she discovers her money's gone, and then you'll be able to pay her and Stacy to make it back. 

Dinner - Karen: 

Major Brown - Make Karen young again and decide her personality like the others. 

Major Purple - Possess her husband and have some evening fun. 

Major Green - Karen will receive word that some of her business funds have disappeared and then you'll be able to fill the void in exchange for a few things: like getting her to arbitrarily punish Tom for no reason or give you a rare photo. 

Alright, that's the end of the content I forgot to mention. Sorry about that. 

After dinner, you'll get a message from Brittany asking you to pick her up from a club. You can then answer the call and take her back to her apartment. Here you'll be able to get the proof you need of her secret activities, which you'll be able to address in a future update. 

Dorm - You can hang out with Jake and talk to him about the girls you've met so far, call up Mrs. Maywood/Ms. Hill, or go on your computer to make some money. 

Lydia - Other than the dorm or picking Brittany up from the club, you'll be able to visit Lydia at her apartment if she's on friendly terms. You'll then get one of a handful of random sexy scenes that I'll write for this. Then in the future, you can visit her and get rolled a random scene each time, cutting down on future work. Of course, I'll incorporate additional light-based scenes in the future and there will still be narrative moments with wholly unique scenes, but this is the basic plan for people that have been crying out for 'sandbox' gameplay. 

The night will then actually end and as you drift off to sleep you wonder what kind of weird dream you'll have this time... only to find that nothing unusual happens at all. 

At least, not until you hear a knock at the door in the middle of the night.

Whew, that's the end of everything planned. 



Personally, I'm not a huge fan of sandbox games and random events. It goes back to my days playing games where you could go multiple playthroughs without getting the best loot or even anything particularly useful for your class. The RNG gods and I are not on the best terms. That being said, while my preference is for narrative or story-focused content, I do not feel particularly strongly about it, and if the plan is to have random events, I think it's better to start filling in that content as early as possible to make it as robust as possible later. In other words, voting on colors for random events next month sounds like a good option.

Red Claw

I personally don't need random or sandbox Elements. If those Elements won't influence the larger story in some sort or fashion, it's just "false" choice. You think you have a choice, but in the end it's meaningless. I don't mind such events being in the game, if you want to Programme them, but don't see any value in gameplay there. A tightly well narrated story event with meaningful choices is preferable to superfluous random events. I can think of some scenes where randomization could make sense, but then it should impact the story or stats in some way.


Yeah it seems like next update's going to stick to a normal update then. One thing I wanted to make clear though that I guess wasn't is that the 'random' scenes would have still impacted stats. For example, instead of August 5th English class always having Purple, Orange, and Pink lights, it'd be random for you every time you play the game. But whatever lights you did get would still affect characters and still give you spell experience. I just wanted to clarify that's what I meant by random.


Well it's still early to call it, but it looks like the results are going to be "Just keep doing it the way you have" lol. Which, again, I don't mind. That's why I wanted to get people's thoughts first anyway. So thanks to both of you for discussing it with me.

Sentimental Penguin

I agree with most who said that random class scenes doesn't sound interesting. You have a really strong narrative hook that really got me into the game, and I want to see that developed first.


Thanks for the input. I just want to be clear though that even if everyone wanted random events (which they clearly don't lol), there would be no sacrifice to the story -- the important narrative bits would always happen when they're supposed to regardless of what a day to day in your English class was like. But either way, don't worry. The feedback from everyone so far has been very clear lol.

Another (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-03 10:29:55 I agree with the folks above - the story focused events are strong. I would say though that I like the casual choices that just let the main character do something weird for their own enjoyment, and it gives you a way to level up your preferred skills/relationships for later, more meaningful interactions. I just found this game, and I really enjoyed how dense and re-playable the beginning was. If i went all-in on one skill or color I would find some new random scene, and then it was very clever to see it mentioned later on during the more linear story scenes. I think in general I like having more options to each situation, as it gives the one I choose more weight -mind control is all about "control", even if ultimately my choice just flavors similar paths. I found the complex purple scenes to be a great example of this.
2020-01-23 00:59:50


Thanks for the input! I agree about the value of different choices, that's where my intent with random classes was headed, but I also understand that a lot of people want a more curated adventure and I totally respect that. I'm glad you enjoy the branching purple paths, because they're definitely some of my favorite scenes too, they just take a long time to write lol.