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With the first release out, I have to say I'm pretty blown away by the positive reception. I hope you all enjoy the next update, which will be released on December 28th. 

For now, I figured I'd give a rough outline of the content I have planned for the next release. I've begun writing the next day and I hope (not guaranteed) to have an additional day finished in time as well. At least for the first few releases, content will be contained within a short time frame. Later "days"/releases will actually stretch out over the course of weeks, allowing you to hang out with specific characters as voted on/requested by all of you. I'm just mentioning that so everyone doesn't think this game will take 300 months to finish lol. 

Alright, without further ado, here's what I've got planned so far: 


Floor Meeting - Depending on where you wake up from the previous night, you'll find yourself back at the dorm and taken to a floor meeting with your RA. You'll spend a little more time with Jake and Kyle and have a chance to get to know them. Players who never went to the gift shop the day before will have a chance to go this time, allowing them to buy the max energy boosters and certain gifts (not all of them from the day before). 

Brittany Introduction - Brittany Maywood will finally show up at the school in this release and you'll get to know her better. From here, content will branch out depending on if you want to see a movie with her and the Maywoods(a) or go to the park with Monica/alone(b). 

(a) Go to the Movies - For anyone worried about spurning Monica, be rest assured that you can invite her to come as well. I haven't decided which lights will show up here, but right now I'm thinking Blue, Orange, and either Pink or Brown. You'll also be able to just enjoy the movie and have some fun if you have a good relationship with Monica and brought her along. 

(b) Park with Monica/Alone - If you really pissed off Monica the day before and never reconciled with her, then you can go to the park by yourself to have some time alone/start your investigation for the succubus. Otherwise, Monica will suggest having some fun with her, though you can also use the time with her to begin your investigation. While out in the park you'll also run into some potentially familiar faces, including Jill, Suzie, Rio, and Sofia. 

After this, content will split again depending on if Monica was with you at the park/movies. Alternatively, you'll be able to tell Monica to walk back alone if you really don't want to spend time with her.

(If Monica Present) Walking Monica to Her Dorm - If Monica's your girlfriend, you can enjoy a romantic walk back to the dorm where you drop her off before meeting with the Maywoods. Otherwise, you'll just walk her back and have a normal conversation. There will be some lights and the ability to fool around a bit before she goes and spends time with her roommate. 

(If Not Present) Help Brittany Move In - You'll pick up her bags from your dorm and then help her unload them at her apartment. You'll also get a chance to talk with Brittany's roommate/cousin, Kayla Porter. There will be lights here, but I haven't decided which ones at all yet. 

Everyone's paths converge back at Lorenzo's for dinner time. 

Maywoods and the Restaurant - This time the Hills aren't there, but now Brittany reluctantly is. You'll also get to see Sofia working again and interact with her. 

Like the previous update, you'll choose where to end your night: Maywood Hotel(a), Lydia Apartment(b), and the Dorms(c). For those wondering about Mrs. Wilson if they previously spent the night with her, she'll be unavailable due to a massive hangover. 

(a) Maywood Hotel - This will be similar to the previous night, although there will be a conversation with Mrs. Maywood if she has regrets from before. Otherwise, there will be lights here. I'm not sure about the third light yet, but Orange and Brown will definitely both be there. I might as well mention too that I've been working on how the spells scale with power and I think Orange is going to get pretty neat. Spoilers: We're getting into inception territory. 

(b) Lydia Apartment - If you previously got Lydia's number (through a bunch of different scenarios, including visiting the gift shop in this update), then you can hang out with her at night when her roommate leaves. If you've already sealed the deal with her before, you can immediately jump right into it again with her, otherwise you'll just hang out and talk with her and then potentially seal the deal. Of course, there will also be lights here. For this one I'm thinking Orange, Brown, and Yellow lights. For anyone confused how wind could be useful in this scenario, I'm expanding its humming abilities to allow you to essentially bind characters up telekinetically. 

(c) Jake Dorm - You'll be able to go on your computer to make money without any lights before sleeping, or you can use one of the lights that's present. You'll have access to the Brown light to see Jane again, the Orange light for a little dreamwalking, and the Green light to make money that way, as well as optionally bribe Jake to do some hedonistic stuff.

In the middle of the night, regardless of where you end up, you'll notice a missed call from Monica that only lasted several seconds. Cliffhanger time, baby. 

If I complete this day quickly enough, I'll also add a second day to it, but I don't want to post the outline for that until it's being worked on. So this is what we've got for right now.

Also, just a reminder, monthly content requests will be closed at the same time as the polls, so I won't be able to add/change anything beyond that point for the next release.



I think it'd be interesting to see Sofia and Rio's language through the transformation light(brown) be affected by their assorted stereotype(Latina and Asian). It'd give their transformation more character than just being another airhead(as lovely as that can be). Examples could be anything from broken Asian English and words like Papi etc. Not sure what your plans for them were but it was just something I had thought about and thought to share.


You know, I had actually been trying to come up with unique ways to bimbofy some of the characters and I actually really like that for Sofia and Rio. I'm still not a hundred percent on whether they'll have physical transformation alternatives, but for a mental bimbofication that sounds really good. Thanks.


Yeah, it could also go further into the stereotype as well that Asian women are more submissive and that Latina's want big families. It's really up to you to decide how far you want to take it but it could be very interesting.


Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. While Ms. Hill isn't on campus in the next update, you'll still have a chance to interact with her over the phone and in one of Jake's dreams.


Any chance of getting a walkthrough with what stats are required to trigger success on certain encounters? Be nice to see if I've actually found all the different outcomes yet. Thanks in advance ^^


That won't be possible (at least from me) just because there are a lot of tiny alterations to paragraphs and stuff based on what stats you have. In general though, at least for Day 1, special scenes/options are unlocked by having a stat equal to or above 5. If you use the cheat function, you can walk around with all the stats well above the threshold and enjoy a lot of content that way. Also, most paragraphs that are checking for stats will usually mention something in the narrative that hints at what you need, like "Unfortunately, you're not charming enough for this" means attractive, "you're not clever" means intelligence, etc.


Also, since no one has mentioned it on any forums I uploaded to yet, there are some special scenes at the bar if you get drunk before approaching Lydia or Mrs. Wilson. Then again, maybe no one mentioned them for a reason lol.