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Whatever loses will be pushed to the day after, so no real loss there



Damn live action is taking the cake xD But yea.. since 1073 is already out for almost 2 weeks, what's waiting another day ^^


OP manga > OP anime > OP live action


Not the live action please


all the cringe mf cameout to say the same shit "live action is bad" MOTHERFUCKERS havent even watched it im dead LMFAO its actually so sad that mf are paying weekly for a patreon just to dog the animes and manga every week lol brainless kids


The live action was sooooooo good!!!


I watched the live action with japanese voices and English subtitles because the original JP cast is doing the voice overs :D It's nice to have different options like that.


the live action is goated man


I guess many people don't like the live action cause they don't understand that its not a 1:1 adaptation but more of a new interpretation based on the original.


ironically IGN said it was "too close to the source material" like its about as close as it could honestly be and no matter which way it went it would get hate. I see more love then hate for it though so that does give high hopes for its future.