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Let's Be Honest This Was Defo Better Than We Thought It Would Be LOL


Stephen Rockford

I’m pleasantly surprised by how good it is


Bro said "better than we thought" LOL..... No that was exactly as bad as i thought it would be


I have no faith. Been burned too many times.


It’ll never be better then the anime but i don’t want it to be I like it’s unique and I’m so hyped for it




In my opinion its as good as live action can go, Zoro and Nami r really good, we didnt see much ussop, sanji. And Luffy personally cringed me ngl 😭

Pedro A.

That was better than i thought too, i would prefere if the language was Japonese!! Hear “I wanna be a Pirate King” in English it’s estrange for me hahaa


Everyone involved seems to really get it, from the writers and producers to the actors, and the trailer looked sick for a Netflix anime adaptation! Excited to see if they improve the CG at all by August, but if not, this looks pretty damn good for what it is. Curious to see Buggy’s arc and the Fishmen (and like all the side characters let’s be real).


besides Luffy voice/dialogue i thought this was pretty good


That was Koby and Alvida at the end yoooo!


its so fucking funny your reaction when luffy did Gum Gum LMAO

John Yoo

I got a feeling this might even surpass the source material. LETS FUCKING GO BAAABY!


the "Gum Gum" was not it


This version of Buggy could've killed Roger in his sleep fam he is terrifying 😂


honestly so much better than i was expecting!! I think its going to be great it captures the goofiness that op has always had


My image of luffy is so distinct , i just cant see him be played or voiced by someone else, and Buggy looks straight out of a horror movie lol.


When luffy says GumGum pistol it sounds cringey😅


when he said Pistol its like a 2 years old VA LMAO


Can't wait until Khan sheds some tears in the first live reactions of the live action series 😩

Busta Riggz

Only bad part of luffy was defo the gum gum. The rest of luffy is actually decent. Buggy looks like scary as hell tho


im thinking it was exaggerated for the first time hopefully. cause in the fight scene it wasnt


this is already better than the manga! I cant wait for when it gets to wano!


I liked that his arm LOOKED like rubber when he did gum gum pistol. Yeah the CGI was never going to be perfect but that visual effect I think is the smartest way they could have done it.


U care so much about live action but how about FUCKING ONE PIECE RED?!\


Am i crazy or does the skull in the logo has Luffys scar under the eye but Luffy does not?


Dont do that. Dont give me hope


Missed the joke, your so stupid…. It’s actually embarrassing 🤡


The only way the CGI could be better is if Disney animated it but then we know disney would butcher everything else so I say this is as good as it will get for OP Live Action.


that's a certified skull emoji moment


When i saw this trailer i understood why Fujitora cut out his own eyes 💀

Dalton Stegeman

he has the scar you can see it in the shot in the beginning when hes looking at merry its just very faint I hope they make it stand out more when they release the final product

M Till

The gum-gum is as cringey as I was expecting but it does *look* better than I was expecting, which isn't saying much. I can't even watch One Piece dub so I don't know how I'll get through this. Nami looking kinda alright though~


I knew its gonna be good


as much as i love One Piece, the trailer didn't convince me. Not gonna get my hopes up xd


Looked good to me I’m excited to see it, you could see everyone is passionate about it


Sometimes depends on the series, Netflix does release one episode every week, so maybe they will do it with this also, it is to get the people more interested in the series for a longer time, if you release it all in one day, people will watch it in a week maybe and not talk about it so much, if you release it every week, people will talk about it for a couple of months, but I really don't know what they are going to do with this, seems good tho.


Imagine if he watches it but not film red 💀


Going on like this is the bleach filler episodes


how did ODA agree on this show XDDD i think he well make another eye surgery


So, I feel like this is actually gonna be amazing. Of course, it seems goofy, cringy, and janky at times, but I feel like an effort was really made to try to make this happen. It doesn't feel corporate at all, and feels very fanmade, but with a big budget. The corporate route for live-action adaptations has been done and failed horribly, doing it like this is new and unique at least, and I feel like once they find their footing, it could end up being really really good. The director and producers are hardcore one-piece fans, as well as the actors and almost everyone else involved. Oda is also closely involved in the production. Live action and animation are not really meant to be adapted to each other. The mediums are completely different and so it ends up being an almost impossible task. So for the monumental task, they're attempting as "fans", I feel like they did a decent job. I am also used to the Japanese VA Luffy, but I've noticed after 100 episodes of watching the dub, I became accustomed to the English VA, it grows on you after a bit. I feel like the same would happen with Iñaki Godoy and the rest of the cast. After a few episodes, we'll probably get used to them. I feel like the actor who plays Luffy is actually the perfect fit. I can't think of a single real human that is closer to being an IRL Luffy. His personality and energy aren't forced for the role, I've watched a few videos Iñaki Godoy is in, and he has the same energy in his daily life.

Magic O

yooooo Bugggy the serial killer lol couldnt stop laughing xD however the trailer didnt really convince me personally, but we will all watch it anyways right? :D


Just wait till the bleach days come back at that time it’ll be peak one piece 😋 round 2


This movie is gonna be ass

Griffith (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-19 05:47:10 only way this would be worth watching is if they add Nami and Robin scissoring at the beginning
2023-06-18 21:33:05


Only thing surpassing the source material is Bleach this July


a lot of haters in the comments lmfao. didnt look as bad as everyone in comments making it out to look like. we still havent even seen the finished product... whatever im glad they took their time with this and made little details matter. cant wait for august 31!


just saw netflix said each episode has around a budget of $18 million US!!! hopeful 🫡


Why doesn't Khan react to the anime anymore? Literally the main reason I subscribed damn.


Lol people forgot buggy was a super villain he murder so many people with his shoe bomb and he tried to kill luffy so many time. He just gave up and became a con artist and we love him 🤣