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Uzumaki Khan

I might have got this wrong but didnt stain save deku from that nomu at the end, it felt like it, but im sure stain hasnt seen enough of deku to know he's similar to all might, unless because of his quirk he seen a resemblance and thought of saving him. Also the hate stain has for todoroki father is so insane, my man broke his rib from releasing pure fury and anger. So im guessing he was the reason stain started despising hero's right, and he sees all might has the only true justice hero, hence wanting to die by his hands. If any of these things i stated get answered later then yh let it be, but thought il just mention it. Insane 2 episodes!!!


Boku no heeeeeeeero yo! Thanks for the upload bro


boku no Pi- Heroooooooo yoo


You got it right. As you can see in the episodes Stain despises "heros" that are "just acting" the part or going after their own selfish desires. Deku on the other hand risked his own life for "nothing" except to be a hero and save people. At least that's how I interpreted the episode :D

Uzumaki Khan

Ahh thought so, part of me was thinking isn’t it too early for him to be seeing these signs, but guess that was sufficient what deku did.


It was so hard to wait this whole week for the sake of these two episodes (16,17)

John Yoo



"there must be a dip like slime" LOL🤣 also khan just a small detail but the broken rib was from the final kick that iida gave to Stain, but the rib punctured his lung because of him trying to walk towards the heroes while shouting.


Also when deku dropped the quote from All Might before the 5% Detroit smash, I think Stain realized the type of guy deku is right there




Lmao whoever requested slime must feel like shit right now 😆


All that slime shade lmao But I feel you fam, Hero is on another level xD


Yohoo we feasting


There's stuff after ending of ep 20 and 22 I write in advance, because on Thursday you may not read cuz of One Piece spoilers


I dont think we took the time to fully appreciate the elite tier hero killer rn. This man just done an extreme diff battle in a 3v1, and was driven by his strong resolve to such an extent he released conquerors haki left even endeavor shaking.


Also Khan, all your questioning on whether he saved Deku or not are answered during their fight, where he spares dekus life after immobilising him cos he acknowledged his sense of justice and motives as valid. And says hes only going to kill "fake" heroes like lida, and tries to stab Lida untill hes stopped by todoroki


man i love stain


The muuuuuuusic yo!


He can read since there is no new chapter this week.


Khan, he broke a rib from Iida's kick, not from pure rage lol. The moving around caused that rib to puncture his lung. Also if you rewatch the beginning of episode 16, you see stain say's good to deku after deku tells Iida that meddling is the essence of being a hero (what all might told deku in hospital when deku said he got involved with todoroki's business when he didn't need to). When he first paralyses deku, he then say's hero's who are all talk are a dime a dozen, but deku's moved well enough to take him out in his first attack, he just lacked power. He then say's your worth letting live - so all of this is why he saved deku. He also has similar comments to todoriki during the fight, which is why he was so fixated on only killing the other guy and Iida whose rage led him to attacking stain for revenge instead of trying to save the other pro hero


Fam! I LOVE the way you call the number two hero "Endawah" 😂❤️


there was golden week in Japan last week, so the chapter we got last week was leaked week earlier. In japan they will get that chapter only this monday.


first time watching this with khan, bro stains dialogue just wow i know we didnt see him much but he might be my fav char right now


Someone tell khan that season 2 episode 19 (episode 32 in total) of my hero is filler so he doesn't waste time on it tomorrow