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I Feel Like The Word Masterpiece Is An Understatement To Describe This Episode.

Absolute PERFECTION. 10/10!!!


Saleem Ali

When Arnheid mentions that Hjalti went with his brother, she was lying to Gardar because Gardar didn't know that his son was dead. The last few scenes where he meets his son is like him in the afterlife meeting his dead son, remember when Arnheid told Thorfinn and Einar that her son was taken away and she never saw him again? So he passes away and reunites with him, "i'm home". i just finished the reacrtion and didn't see your afterthoughts so don't know if you saw that too

Uzumaki Khan

Ahh yh i thought so😔, i did mention it all on the afterwatch. Was a heartbreaking episode man

Saleem Ali

i really suggest waiting for the anime, the anime added a lot of extra scenes for this farewell compared to the manga. i teared up in the manga but this episode really just made me cry lol. there's always other great anime you can react to and before you know it, season 3 will be around the corner

John Yoo

Arnheid lying about Hjalti hit me so hard. she knew her husband was going to die, so she made sure his last moment of thoughts were of his wife and his son. GOATLAND SAGA YO

Uzumaki Khan

😔😔f**k man, thats deepness on a whole different scale. He died believing his son was alive, when in fact he was dead, but died happily believing he was alive. If that isnt peak sadness, what is?

Uzumaki Khan

Anime it is man, after witnessing these past few episodes i feel like jumping to manga just wouldnt sit right. I mean like if the anime was just good then yh maybe manga would be an option, but the anime so far i feel like is perfection. I just pray man s3 isnt the same wait like s2

L.A 01

Anime > manga for this series.... PEAK CINEMA


Btw Khan in case no one mentioned it yet, if you got time check the very first episode of s2 the first scene with that kinda „weird“ opening. After this episode now it makes 100% sense and it’s an amazing connection/callback

Busta Riggz

People were talking bad about vinland s2 when it started just because there wasn't no fighting and that. Those are the ppl who put demon slayer over this type of greatness because they just wanna see the fights. Seeing thorfinn and snake go at it was plenty enough for me in Hype wise even though it was quick it was well done. And then the rest was just perfection in showing how tragic the gardar situation rlly was. Vinland on a different level fr


It's called GOATLAND SAGA for a reason! Letsgoooo


Idk how Khan cant see Arnheid lying about Hjalti being alive, its so simple to guess, even in the manga that was ultra simple guess, especially she told that to thorfinn and einar before


I love Khan so much but him saying: "is he dead!?" after the full episode of insane death flags with sad ass music the entire way, shades of 'paradise' showing itself and more, through just made me laugh so hard hahahaa


Really glad Khan gives Vinland the love it deserves. GOAT'd series for sure.

John Yoo

Plot Twist: Hjalti is really alive and she lied to both Thorfinn and Einar




I love the anime. I can see why you'd think the manga can't be better, but man the manga is unsurpassable in my opinion. It's THAT good. Some of the little touches you get in the anime are great too. Being somebody who couldn't wait each week for the next episode, after Season 1 Episode 5 I immediately jumped on the manga... And man, I don't regret it all. It's really, just that good. I would love to see if you'd ever go back, and read the manga from Chapter 1 - the first 54 chapters are Season 1. If you were to read it, I think you'd see why its just so great in my opinion. The dialogue is so much better in the manga too, in my opinion the translations to anime aren't nearly as good. When reading you'll realize how the artwork gets better every chapter and how well it's written.. Because man, its my favorite manga for a reason. I still think the manga for vinland trumps the anime, but it's just so well adapted, you can't go wrong with either. Give the manga a shot if you ever feel like it, I think you'd understand why I love it so much


I believe in the manga Gardar says "When he grows up he'll probably want to up and become a viking" "But I won't let him" - compared to in the anime, the anime says "When he grows up he'll want to go adventuring but I won't let him".


I think it was subtitle error because his voice he says Viking




No anime shows humanity the way vinland does

Matt Demon

About what you said at the start (1 minute in) , Thorfinn never killed/fought for fun. I remember Thorfinn saying in season 1 after fighting Thorkell for the first time: "What's so fun about this?" Thorkell was having fun fighting Thorfinn, but for Thorfinn the only reason he fought was so he could get to duel Askeladd for a chance at revenge. Thorfinn never enjoyed murder/fighting.


idk if you mentioned this but Hjalti is taken/dead, all of the dialogue of arnheid talking about their son is just her trying to ease him. She knew what happend to their child and keeping a façade that he's still alive and well


You know this episode is GOAT'd when Khan says he doesn't think any episode of One Piece this year will top it. And he's caught up to the manga, meaning even the climax of Wano doesn't compare to this greatness


A bit of a stretch tbh idk saying this moment will be better then gear 5?!?!?!

Uzumaki Khan

you have to remember no episode of one piece will ever be the same for me now, as i read the manga to it. What makes anime episodes so special in my opinion is not just the soundtrack/animation but the element of surprise, but yh for risks for spoilers manga was the only option


Mappa doing gods work with this season, holy shit. last time I got that emotinal was when mitty got killed in made in abyss season 1.


Bro said Einar, no that's GARDAR!! IM TRIPPING!! I'M DEADDDDD LMFAO