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Now that the year basically ended dudes, what’s your favorite anime episode you seen this year. Please let it be an anime episode that i have seen too, just incase.

Il start Kimetsu No Yaiba Episode 33 “Set Your Heart Ablaze”

Not just my best episode this year for me but of all time.



one piece 1015 no contest


I have to go with One Piece Episode 1004. I went crazy when that little string snapped at 7:30 and the music started! SO good!


Bleach TYBW Episode 9


I dont understand how people are saying 1015 of one piece, but to each his own. For me its a toss up between episode 6 and 7 of Bleach TYBW. From START to FINISH they were masterpieces... not just a moment, the ENTIRE episode was truly masterfully done.


Khan's favorite Arc is in Bleach, favorite character in Naruto, favorite episode in Demon Slayer, favorite music in Fairy Tail. Onepiecebros, what favorite does Khan have that's part of our show?! Could it be animation? No, I don't think so. Pacing? Doesn't feel right. WHAT THE FUCK IS IT?

Uzumaki Khan

Lool ngl your comment made me laugh😂. When did i ever say an arc in Bleach is my favourite, i said 13 episodes consecutively of this arc has been the best 13 episodes I’ve seen, the 13 episodes is not the entire arc right? Also what one piece has above all other anime to me personally is story. Hence why it’s my favourite


Op 1015 wasn't even that great imo , i think its because people were very used to bad animations which made 1015 look better than what it is. Pretty much every kny s2 episode beats 1015.


imagine saying something so stupid that khan himself responded


mob psycho last episode

Mr. Sweetfreak

Bleach TYBW episode 6 Old man Yama’s bankai


What’s your parents favourite thing about you? Guess you and One Piece are alike




Khan watch Boruto everyone is talking about it potential top 3 anime of the year 2023 (I personally enjoy more then bleach)


Your head was stomped on by my dick while you're still in the womb


If I'm picking from what you've seen, then the 2nd last ep from Demon Slayer season 2, the end of the fight vs the Upper Moon

John Yoo

I agree with you Smilee. I'll admit, the direction for 1015 was great, but the animation was nothing amazing compare to modern standards. People go ape shit over 1015 because they compare that animation to the usual power point presentation that they normally pump out. Kny s2 ep10 definitely beats 1015 in both animation and direction imo


Yeah i feel like everytime we bring up a fair point on onepiece , people go ape shit like i insulted something sacred smh


Thing is the entirety of 1015 was good. 6-7 of bleach had tons of action that 1015 lacked but a lot of people like aspects other than fight scenes.

Ashish Kumar

lmao no trolling, but that stuff is a mixed pot of canon and filler and it was almost unavoidable. Pure manga boruto may be good but this half filler half canon formula of the anime is dogshit crap. I can't watch boruto because of anime makers' decisions.


Why are you revealing your dark secrets now , all this talk about parents love and incest seems like you're projecting ,sucks to be you


No you are the offspring of a brother and sister sleeping with each other. That’s why you have such defects (no offence kid just speculation)

Ashish Kumar

Out of 285 episodes only 63 are manga canon. Rest are mixed fillers and anime canon, in which anime canon is dominant with 178 episodes. Because of this "anime canon" bs, if you try to skip fillers, you feel like you missed something in the story cuz filler is integrated in the story. You can't avoid fillers like you could in shippuden.

Ashish Kumar

So you have to watch anime canon to not feel disconnected with the story cuz skipping these episodes make you feel that.


No you don’t lil bro. I watched cannon and filler and here and there yes some tweaks but for the most part the exact same wouldn’t make any difference. Plus the mods can just tell him you know what I mean younger brother?