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If this anime studio can replicate what they did with these 13 episodes, July by all means seems right around the corner. No time is too long if the outcome is what we witnessed here. Thank to those that followed my Bleach journey to here and in July inshallaah you'll see me back in a heart beat for the 2nd cour.

Bleach GREATNESS!!!!





ICHI MOTHER FUCKING MID is gone for months no more angry and john paragraphs


Nothing will hit the same as ichigoat but now we wait for 7 long ass months for PEAK FICTION to resume! PURE FIRE THIS WAS! BRING ON JULY 😭 ICHIGOAAAAAAAAAT YO


No more cry babies faithfully commenting and hating on a series they supposedly think its mid either. Thank god.


Many people missing the point when "old man Zangetsu" tells Ichigo that he suppressed Ichigo's powers because he will eventually kill him with his own hands. Zangetsu means that if Ichigo grows strong enough he will unavoidably end up fighting with his "true self" Yhwach after the Quincy king regains his power.

John Yoo



In all honestly I never thought I'd see Khan's reaction to the entirety of Bleach, let alone this much love for it and passion towards it. And I would of also never imagined that one day I'd be saying "Khan is one of my favorite Bleach reactors".




Ive been apart of the entire journey of Khan reacting to Bleach since episode 1 and I have to say I very very much appreciate how he really breaks down the episodes after and gains a TRUE understanding of Bleach as a whole as well as how Kubos genius is conveyed through his work. A lot of reactors just look at the surface. Khan is honestly the best anime reactor and says things HOW THEY ARE. A true legend and im happy to have him around.

Ashish Kumar

Yhwach 1000yrs ago looked exactly same as how he looked today, according to past flashback of og captains in ep 7. Here, it was said OM Zangetsu is what Yhwach looked like 1000 yrs ago. 🤷‍♂️ But that's not the case. Also, OM Zangetsu said I relied on ur Hollow to train you this and that time. What about Bankai training? It was all OM Zangetsu only that trained Ichigo. Even during Final Getsuga, Tensa (OM) Zangetsu merged with the hollow to teach him that together! And his personality was the dominant one after the merge. Clearly Zangetsu was acting like Ichigo's zanpakuto not just in name. He was actually teaching himself too. Is it a clever way to retcon stuff?


Kubo likes to cosplay Aizen as if everything was according to plan, but really he's just a master at adding big twists later on that don't upset the consistency of the story. That said, there's never any foreshadowing (no, retconning doesnt count lol) and the explanation for these reveals are mildly coherent at best. Take an in depth look at the earlier story and its clear the intention wasn't for any of this to play out the way it did later on. Fair to say the Aizen reveal of "all according to plan" is such a meme because of the absurdity of it. Kubo likely thought it up half way through the arc and threw it in there, same with this, and many other big twists. Nonetheless, they're enjoyable, but Kubo's strengths lie in his character designs and action paneling, not his story planning or story.


Just saw PV of TYBW part 2 it's gonna be fire!

Ashish Kumar

Retconing as in first making it seem like both Old Man and Hollow are Zangetsu together. But now it was flipped and said Old Man was a quincy power. Yhwach was never hinted at before this and now it's easy to come up with a new quincy villain that looks like OM Zangetsu and thus proving that Old Man was a quincy power to begin with. Why can the quincy power supress stronger hollow shinigami powers anyway. Quincy power was matured and shinigami power was immature (for some reason), which allowed quincy power to control it. Why? If Quincy power was ACTIVE inside Ichigo all this time in the Old Man's form, why did Ichigo need Quilge's reatsu to "awaken" quincy memories inside his reatsu? Wtf. Quincy source was active already all this time so... Agreed with ur last para and mostly too. Also, Kubo's backgrounds look dull too like in Soul King's palace, the blue "sky" was weird looking. Backgrounds suck mostly.


You guys should read or watch the entire series again, trust me it will be awesome

Ashish Kumar

@MrWest116 I feel like insulting you right now. Can you explain things instead of wasting time? Spill what you got. Vague things has been used to turn the story around here, making it look like things were foreshadowed. Originally, Old Man and White both were intended to be real Zangetsu. Because... Old Man trained Ichigo for his bankai all by himself. He claims he always takes help from hollow, right? Why not for bankai training then. Or why was he incharge of teaching Ichigo Final Getsuga. Wasn't that hollow's job too? Hollow was involved in that one but old man was the one teaching Final Getsuga. Quincy thing wasn't intended at all. Before, Old Man said, "Final Getsuga means you will lose your powers. I don't want that for you, Ichigo. I want to protect you." Now he says... "I wanted to keep you away from battle to protect you and the power you have been using was a fraction I couldn't supress." Old Man wanted to suppress all of Ichigo's powers it seems. Wasn't final getsuga beneficial then? Ichigo would be out of battle. Why is old man contradicting himself. Don't waste my time with bullshit replies. Peace.


At that time Old Man Zangetsu was the centre of Ichigo's spirit, meaning he was Ichigo's bankai spirit at the time, like we see the shift he does in appearance with Tensa Zangetsu. Ichigo attained Bankai through training with Old Man, but as white says during the fight with Byakuya, "I'll teach you how to use your Bankai" as in he has a better understanding of training Ichigo's Bankai than Old Man. Another thing to keep in mind, we don't actually see Ichigo attain it, it happens when he's off panel, White could've been present. Also worth noting, Final Getsuga was all of Ichigo's powers agreeing to let him go, all of his powers consented to using them to their maximum at that time (was still the weakened core of the hollow side though). As for Zanpakuto abilities, White teaches him how to use Shikai better, Bankai better, Getsuga better, through their fights and Hollowfication (which I believe is Ichigo's zanpakuto ability) I'd say Old Man Zangetsu can teach Ichigo things, but to do it correctly, and properly White takes it into his own hands.

Ashish Kumar

@Angry Those vague things you mentioned can be looked at in both ways. As Aizen said, we are gonna only accept truths that favor us. "I'll teach you how to use your Bankai" Hollow saying that back doesn't say anything about Old Man NOT being his zanpakuto too. Both were intended to be his zanpakuto and both trained Ichigo in their own ways. The idea back then was that Ichigo considered only Old Man his zanpakuto and during FGT, he understood that the hollow is ALSO his zanpakuto. It was evident. Both of them have been shown using Ichigo's zanpakuto in the inner world. Both their actions supported it too. Both being his real zanpakuto was the conclusion we got and things made sense till this point. "White teaches him how to use Shikai better, Bankai better, Getsuga better, through their fights and Hollowfication (which I believe is Ichigo's zanpakuto ability)" As I said above. Some things Hollow helped with, some things Old Man did. Bankai training was off screened but it was hinted that Ichigo beat OMZ and that's how acheived bankai. His swords were breaking but he learnt to make them last longer and longer and eventually was able to use any sword to defeat OMZ. He could even use Getsuga too with one of those various swords. I don't see any good foreshadow here. It's a flip, a really clever retconing. But flimsy too imo cuz the story is contradicting itself big time. OMZ mentioned I always took Hollow's help to teach you and we see flashbacks of when Hollow helped and conveniently we aren't shown when OMZ did BIG things himself too like bankai training, fgt etc. Whatever you said yet can simply be flipped on either side, that's how vague they are.


Can the mods have Khan check out Burn the Witch as well? It's a Bleach spin-off series set in the same world.


This is wonderful writing by Kubo, at least it makes sense to me. Hopefully the mods will let khan see this. Remember to cover up some of the spoiler parts. https://i.redd.it/0w10dgxy331a1.png


real shonen