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From time to time I get folks writing to ask me about whether I also do freelance commissions, and the answer is Yes, I sure do. Some folks want continuations of stories I've begun; some take inspiration from what I've written and adapt to their tastes; some folks have their own totally unique scenario. Come one, come all.

If you're ever interested in commissioning a piece from me, here's what you need to know:

- Material: If I think I can do a decent or better job of writing what you want, I'm happy to go for it. The only requests I refuse is if I don't think I can do it justice. Some folks like to be vague and just give me a general concept; some folks have a plotline and character names/descriptions in mind; some add some preferences on what they *don't* want to see; some people want to start with a short piece and if they like it, continue from there. Be as specific as you like. Personally, I prefer a coloring book to a blank page most times, so I enjoy guidelines.

- Pricing: My rate is $0.05 per word (so the monthly drawing for a 4,000 word story is a $200 value). I ask up front for a target word count, but it's not a perfect science, and I may wind up over or under. That said, I never deliberately run up word counts to gouge people; if I think a project sounds too large for a patron's requested budget, I'll say so up front and we'll figure out how to make something work.

- Timeline: Usually within 2-3 weeks, depending on the scope of the project and all those annoying real world things that like to get in the way. While I usually share my commissions with my patreon supporters, I always give the patron first dibs and time to be the only one enjoying their story for a while. If time is a factor for you (maybe you're treating yourself to a birthday present, for instance), let me know up front and we can discuss what's possible.


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