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A week ago, I felt like I was getting the sniffles, so I decided to take a break from RLP 3 and take some time to do something short and fun and silly until I felt better. So I asked the folks on our discord for some prompts, got a huge response with tons of awesome ideas. The next morning I woke up feeling like death and found out it was bronchitis, no mere cold, and so it took a few days before I could sit upright and do more than moan in self-pity. Thanks for that nephew.

Anyways, once I finally felt better, I looked over what y'all had given me and picked the one I was vibing with best. 

The prompt: "1) Playing off all the 'I Quit My Job' videos (The Great Resignation), a short where Hot Girl #1 goes to visit her friend, Hot Girl #2, who has just released a 'I Quit  My Job' video on social media - basically quitting a well-paying job for something apparently demeaning (stripper, porn star, etc) to try and understand and/or talk her out of this insanity"

Now, I spend some time in and around the anti-work phenomenon, to which I confess a good deal of sympathy. It grabbed me. I feel like the tone shifts a fair amount after the first couple scenes as I edged away from slavish prompt-following and began thinking more clearly/let my cough medicine run its course. In the process, I turned what I'd imagined to be a random brief 3-4k word story and... well, it got away from me just a tiny bit. 

I should own that I barely edited this, basically first draft quality with whatever the google docs spell checker caught. It's supposed to be kind of a chewing gum thing, and that's frankly a fucking lot of chewing gum to edit, so expect some typos, misspeaks, etc. I ran spell check, changed two things that bugged me, and here it is. It is meant in pure frivolity, so while yes, our characters put on some airs, please don't read too much into it. (If the whole anti-work thing is purely offensive to you and you can't work around that, maybe skip this one? And also ask yourself why you love working so much, because srsly.)

Anyway, now I'll get back to RLP, in which we may even get some actual Rachel this time. But for tonight, enjoy my anti-work manifesto. I'm sure I'll make more use of those prompts in the future, too!

More to come.



(Sex) Workers of the world, unite!