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Somebody convinced me to check out a show on Netflix called Murderville. It's a silly bit of fun, celebrities doing some improv alongside Will Arnett and some other actors playing out a murder investigation. So I thought... why not see if the premise is fun while pretending to investigate the sorts of shenanigans we get ourselves up to around these parts.

I'm not gonna lie. This is ridiculous, and more than a bit self-indulgent since I'm using my own characters, and more than a little libelous since I dragged a real celebrity to the page. Don't feel down on yourself if you run away glowering. This is hella dumb. But... yep, I did it, and what kind of smut-peddler would I be if I didn't share this with y'all.

I hope there is something to enjoy in this tale that I laughingly call: Sexoslavia.

More to come.



For what it is worth, doesn't do anything for me.


For what it's worth, this was *everything* for me.


I love a self-referential, goofy look at erotica, so the prospect of a quick run through Ice Bear's Greatest Hits - specifically to goof on them - is a real treat. Add in a smoky-voiced wet dream of a celebrity guest star, and you've got a terrific fan-service series. I'm into it! Thanks!


"I couldn’t tell you how much I wished I could trade places with these cock-drunk sluts right then. Mind-rapist or no, the man knew his goddamn grammar." Oh my Lord I laughed hard at this. Bravo.