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There, now that the apology is out of the way...

Somebody convinced me to check out a show on Netflix called Murderville. It's a silly bit of fun, celebrities doing some improv alongside Will Arnett and some other actors playing out a murder investigation. So I thought... why not see if the premise is fun while pretending to investigate the sorts of shenanigans we get ourselves up to around these parts.

I'm not gonna lie. This is ridiculous, and more than a bit self-indulgent since I'm using my own characters, and more than a little libelous since I dragged a real celebrity to the page. Don't feel down on yourself if you run away glowering. This is hella dumb. But... yep, I did it, and what kind of smut-peddler would I be if I didn't share this with y'all.

I'll open this up to the broader world once I've done some editing and prettying it up, so if you're the sort to want to wait for a final draft quality, feel free. For now, though, you wonderful generous people have been deprived for far too long of dibsies, so I hope there is something to enjoy in this tale that I laughingly call: Sexoslavia.



I haven't laughed this hard since I saw Dianne Feinstein beating up a young Conan O'Brien as he was practicing his magic tricks!


This was... I didn't know we could get something like this? It's self-referential and ridiculous in all the best ways: the pedantic grammar corrections; the Maning/Manning stuff; the Way Too Many Kleenexes; the EGG. SALAD. SANDWICH. It's too soon for a proper follow-up to Creeps, but this was a nice alternative. It's like a Gag Reel, you know? The cast breaking character and having a laugh, thrown together to celebrate a milestone. It sure worked for me. Thanks for getting real weird with this series!


Also, speaking of pedantry: "CHAMPING at the bit", not "CHOMPING at the bit". Horses champ.