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At long last, more Creep! There was a lot to try to get right in here, so thanks for bearing with me. This installment brings Martin and Stacey pretty dang close to their end of semester deadline, with some reveals and surprises and sexytimes. (Oh and also Naomi is there!)

I hope it's something fun to round out your weekend or start your new week with. More to come!



The Creep is a reliably hilarious series, but "Normal Catwoman" just about fucking KILLED me.


Terrific chapter! I just like spending time with these weirdos and their weird relationships. I love the tight focus on Martin, Naomi, and Stacey; it's a series that literally doesn't need a single additional character to ratchet up the tension or provide catharsis. Funny as fuck, tense as hell, and sweet as the dickens. Great work!


No idea how you’re gonna land this. But it’s been a helluva flight.