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Another week, another Creep! Check it out and enjoy and then come back here. (Or not. Maybe you got stuff to do! That's OK.)

Now that you're back, I'll say this: I don't love this chapter as much. It feels like it takes too much to do too little. Feel free to inflate my ego if you disagree. The good news, though, is that it doesn't mess anything up for the story, so we'll be fine going forward. And more good news, both Critical Tits and HitH are going to be completed soon, which will let me focus up here much harder and get this slow burn burning. (I say that even though we're like 3 months backed up on commissions from the monthly drawing, but I'm learning to discipline myself a little there.)

I am taking a road trip this weekend through mid next week, so if I go quiet for a bit, that's why, but I'll be back soon. More to come!



Wow, that chapter was hot from beginning to end. Bravo.


"I don't love this chapter as much." Ha ha, HOLY SHIT, *hard* disagree! I don't think I've ever read a piece of your writing I've been more perplexed by than that sentence. This was *exceptional*.


This was maybe my favorite chapter of The Creep to date. It's literally everything this story does well, in one tightly-written (it's very tightly-written!) chapter. I love the Lady Macbeth vibes of Naomi, I love Martin's pivots from kind to cruel to selfish, I love the way Stacey is cooking off her own inhibitions with hypnotically-induced edging. It's character-based erotica, and literally no one does it better than Ice Bear. Hilarious to me that you think *this one* wasn't up to snuff. Jesus fucking Christ.


Holy sht... If this only merits an "I don't love this chapter" I can't even begin to phantom what a chapter you love is like


I love it a lot, so I'm not sure why you have reservations. If I have to absolutely play devil's advocate, I'll say that it'd be nice to have more signs of internal conflict for Stacey instead of just going from sassy to kind of obedient in a single trance. Naomi is absolutely suspicious. I thought she had a variation of that "I want to be with Martin Manning" soundtrack on loop somewhere and so tried to monopolize Martin at all cost. But now that it's clear she's not been under, she's gotta be a secondary antagonist at least.


Release the Creep!! Chap 6 was great! Stacey is about to learn to never trust a Creep haha.


Good Morning - was just wondering when we could expect ch 7 - thanks in advance!


I am starting it today! Don't know exactly when it will be done, but probably early to mid this week.


Great - thanks for the update - looking forward to it - oh and Happy Thanksgiving - cheers!