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More Critical Tits coming at you! It's coming into the home stretch, and man, it's... yeah. Cynthia may be one of the most totally fucked-in-the-head characters I've written. We're not quite at raw nonstop smut levels, but we can definitely see the line from where we're standing, ya know? Anyway, enjoy, and more to come!



It's nice to finally read a story that answers the question What If The "This Is Fine" Dog Was Also A Pyromaniac?


Great stuff. The level of depravity and self-negation in this chapter! MAN! Hot as hell and sad as fuck. The absolute weirdest part for me (aside from seeing that We Have The Meats joke show up) is how normal their game night is now? How Cindy's obsequious debasement actually allows the weekly story to proceed in a fairly narrative-focused way? I don't even know what to say about that, but the fact that it's happening is spinning my head around. Crazy time for these lunatics, and that's saying something.