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I am probably being so inconsistent with my titles on these polls, but you know what? I forgive myself.

Anyway, go read the story. It's up over here at the CHYOA site. Once you've done that, come on back and vote -- better yet, vote twice! As you see/saw, (not to be confused with as you see-saw, that'd be fuckin' crazy), you have a couple decisions to make this installment. The first is more pressing, regarding just how wild to get after a wild evening. The second is smaller, but if you're looking to be a little creeper and snoop on Amy Marchiano, you have your shot. You can vote as many times as you like (but presumably will only want to twice). We only got 12 votes last poll, so I figured I'd open this one up and get a little bigger sample size.

More to come!



Thanks to an evening of blowjobs and Metal Gear Solid-style stealth, Will's on a hot streak. Head for the elevator! Let's keep this Hurry Up Offense going! and yes you should check out amy's porn because i'm guessing/hoping it's pretty weird


I am loving that so far we're at 0 votes for playing it safe.