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That's no typo ladies and gents. No, that's a writer ending a title with a preposition, because fuck you, gods of grammar, I do what I want. We're coming up on 2021 and I'm burning ALL the bridges, yo. I'm slapping the attachments on another post, just so the news stuff is available to all, so for the attachments, head here.

In this installment, we get a little time with Conner and Amanda, and what would a TIOS tale be without some screen time for that guy we love to hate (no, not Conner again), Jordan. Shenanigans ensue, good times (and educational times!) are had by all. I wanted to have this done a couple days ago, but my stupid family wanted to spend time with me or whatever (the assholes), so here it is at last.

More to come!



Where's Mr. Canon when you need him, eh?


I'm gonna hate waiting for the next episode to find out what's happening.