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More fun with TIOS! Here we have a piece featuring young Mary Buchanan, good girl of God, yet nevertheless ensnared with her peers by Amanda's meddling. I had a ton of fun with this one -- the quirky ones are always a treat to write. Next up, we'll see if my muse is leaning for my next commission waiting in the wings, or if it's time to hit Losers, but it'll be one then the other regardless. My goal at this point is to have Losers finished by Christmas. Why Christmas? Because my uncle is in the habit of giving lottery tickets for Christmas, so like Chanda, I look forward to being crushingly disappointed by the lottery's results.

More to come!



Now, this was a fun chapter! Two thumbs up!


I hope this series ends with a theological debate between Heather and Mary. A judgmental true-believer and a judgmental know-it-all, yelling at each other about religious dogma? Sounds hot as *fuck*!


One of the things I love about this series, and other people *maybe don't love*, is how Conner is maybe as mind-controlled in this one as the girls who got snagged by a TIOS quote? The idea that There Are Hot Girls And They Might Want Me seems to have destroyed what little observational skills Conner possessed, rendering him easily baffled and manipulated. (Well, perhaps "more easily" would be more accurate?) Like, that kid's internal monologue about his night with Kirsten... that sounds like Mary's internal monologue in this one, but inverted! He does not seem to have any awareness of anything these women are doing, beyond how much it's short-circuiting his brain and pants. I think that's really fun? I think seeing Conner as warped by these girls as these girls are by TIOS, that's a real cool concept to explore.