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We're getting close, ladies and gents. The story is officially in finals week, and this installment takes us up to pre-dawn Wednesday. Not that it has to end with the school year, or with graduation (and I'm honestly not sure it will at present), but with the story in a mode of Canon trying to decide what he wants his new post-Serenex normal to look like, he's enough of a literary dude to want to sync his life transitions with his career. I am super appreciative of all the thoughts and energy you folks have been putting into this, by the way! I am responding to fewer comments presently just because it's coming up on the end and I don't want to say anything that will hint at endings or prejudice the way people read it. I do really love that's there are teams forming for the girls, though. I certainly have that war going on in my head, and obviously Canon has a much more intense and personal version of it in his. 

Unrelated, I mentioned I was going to get a discord going, and I haven't forgotten. I'm throwing together a separate post on that to give folks a chance for guidance, requests, advice, etc. on that score, so if you have anything to say about it, scroll on up. Or down. However y'all's feed organizes stuff. Input welcome!

More to come, though, so don't despair! And then more to come after that. Happy Friday!



Come on man don’t leave me hanging like that!! Morreeeeeee


I ran out of good things to say about this a while back so I'll just keep saying that it's still good.