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Sorry for the wait, gang. I knew when I was churning out three or four chapters a week at the early parts that it would catch up with me. Just way harder to guide a story than to let it flow how it wants. Still, I think it's flowing, going where it needs to (or at least where I want it to), so there's that. This chapter picks up in the aftermath of the dropping of the case and through the final weekend of the academic year. 

Also, as it's October 5th, that means payments have been processed. Those of you who've been around probably know I suck at running this site as a business, but even so, thanks to all you amazing folks, for the first time since I started writing, I am out-earning where I was when I started teaching. I don't do it for the money, but unfortunately all the places I want things from do, so it feels really good to be back at a point where I could potentially be fully independent if need/opportunity arised. (For those who don't know, in cliche fashion, I've lived with my mom to help take care of her since my dad's passing a few years back, so rent's not a thing, but my student loans still are. :P)

Anyway, I am so so excited to be feeling like I'm doing something well, gang. It's a good feeling. Not only the $ thing, but also that my work is currently being so well-received. I attached a screenshot of my author feed in literotica. I don't pay as much attention to my stuff over there as I do on mcstories because they're a lot less author-friendly, but they do keep statistics, and this is the first book I've shared over there where every chapter (so far) has received the coveted "HOT" rating. (Shower scene is currently holding the lead.) Even TIOS and My New Girlfriend didn't go over this well, and those both had a lot of fans. So... yeah. (Screenshot attached, I guess just to gloat?)

What does all this mean for you? Well, it means I may actually force myself to realize that I should start taking myself a bit more seriously (damn you, 40th birthday!) and do more than write and post stories. I've gotten a fair amount of urgings from folks to start a discord, so I'll be looking into that over the next couple weeks and figuring out what that can/should look like. Also on my to-to list is creating an actual web site so if Patreon ever panics that I never officially stated that Tabitha was 18 (she is!) and pulls the plug on me like they have others, I still have a presence somewhere so we don't lose each other.

In the meantime, when I wake up from my very long-delayed sleep (been editing part 24 for 5 hours and it's now going on 6 AM local time), I have 3 commission drawings to do, since neither the August nor September winners have gotten back to me (again). So if you're pledging $10 (what a bargain! (see, told you I suck at self-promotion)), make sure you've got notifications on for messages in case you're a winner!

More to come, folks! Happy Monday.




Wow, is Tabitha becoming a villain, unjustly wedging Taylor and Abbie out of the harem? Love it.


I really don't get the love for Taylor here -or the Stern sisters in general- outside of "they are insanely hot and we'd all love to fuck them". I guess it comes down to personal preference/personality but for FWIW, I'd stick (no pun intended) to Tabitha. Maybe it also comes down to knowing real people just like them and once you get past that initial thrill the best strategy is to put some distance and see the fireworks from afar. The farther away the better.


There’s no doubt that if you want the “happily ever after” ending to the story, Tabitha is the best pick. She’s putting Canon’s approval above all else, which means that she’s naturally trying to be compatible with him, although it seems like she’s starting to dip into manipulation. As esclavage posted, Taylor is a brat. The troubles Canon is having with her is due to not understanding that aspect. Then there’s the fact that Canon is in love with her, and that her mentality isn’t really affected by Serenex. So I like her since she’s hard to get, which is ideal for a harem story. As for Abbie, I like her humor a lot and all the mixed metaphors. She’s pure chaos, which is something stories like these desperately need in order to prevent them from going down the road of simple wish fulfillment. So in short, I like them since they made the story unpredictable, but outside of the story I completely agree with you.