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Huzzah! I got this post done pre-vacation, and have a draft ready for another I can dole out next week while I'm away. It still needs editing or I'd just share it now and let y'all pace yourselves however you like. We're getting closer to some big stuff, though I know some of you feel there's too many big stuffs already. Deal with it. :)

In this chapter, we spend a lot of time on Cassie and Taylor, with some Tabitha hanging out around the fringes. I wanted to establish our group dynamics some more. A first-person narration story is always going to limit interactions between characters who aren't interacting with or near the protagonist. Still, I wanted to give us a little more insight into how our little puzzle was fitting (and not fitting) together. 

Bonus points to the first person with genius level recall/research who can remember the reference in Taylor's line on page 17. 

For now, I am off to the east coast to play a lot of D&D! I'll post part 21 sometime next week once it looks pretty for you. In the meantime, stay awesome, and more to come!



I like what you did with Cassie. Nice character development arc for her. For everyone really. You're constantly outdoing yourself with this one.


It's a little weird how it seems like we're on both a very finite journey with this cast (end of the school year feels like a pretty natural endpoint), but also that stories could be told with them basically forever. I can't imagine what chapter I'd be okay with this ending at. 30? 100?


My only potential complaint: Would Mr. Canon like Jennifer's Body Actually. Like, it's got not that subtle feminist themes that an English teacher would pick up on pretty easily. It's apparently a pretty good movie if your willing to give it the benifit of the doubt!