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First a couple announcements!

1) Patreon now has the option to pledge support annually rather than monthly. So for those of you sure you want to stick around or just grant me the serenity to know I won't be eating out of a dumpster this time next year, there ya go. There's also a 10% discount for opting in, so a little discount for you if you were going to stick around anyway. If you prefer to stay monthly, or know you're going to ping pong between benefit levels as some of you do, that's totally fine, too - just letting y'all know you have a new option.

2) I'm taking a vacation starting next Friday, my belated annual week o' D&D with some old buddies. We're all hard quarantining this week so we can get together risk- and guilt-free next week. I will definitely have a new chapter done for you before I go; muses willing, I'll try to have another done (or near enough I can finish it in idle moments) so I can give you something to tide you over during my absence. I suppose I could even do that thing some authors do and be... what's that word? "Brief," I think they call it. :)

Announcements aside, here's a new fun thing. So for those of you who haven't been engaged in the comments, thanks for letting me zing you a little last chapter. I figured after five years in the biz, I owed the writing world one genuine mm moment. Rest assured, we're back to the good old mf (and ff, and mff, and mfffffff) from here on out.

Speaking of ff, this chapter we get to a second date night over at Casa de Barbour. (Or is it Casa de Salata? I keep wondering to myself which one of them owns the house and which one's a squatter, but there's never a narrative reason to resolve the question. Why won't my characters just open up to me? Jerks.) This should hopefully be a fun chapter for all.

More to come!



Great read