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Hey, look at me practicing healthy work-life balance and not just cranking out 5000 words a day. :D But here we are, part 16. It's a bit of a montage, Monday evening to Friday morning of the second to last week of the GHS school year. Once again I gave some thought to breaking it into separate parts, but let's acknowledge I can't do short hot bursts like Pan and accept it for what it is. If you like to read in installments and take your time with things, each day is more or less its own mini-chapter and is clearly indicated, so have your bookmarks handy.

I'm not sure how near we are to an end, but I am at least arriving close to where the end ought to be in my head. Not 100% sure how we'll get there or if it will read on the page anything like how it plays out in my head, but rest assured I do have some idea where it's going, so long as nobody comes along and fucks it up for me, as my characters all too often do to my plans.

Lastly, this almost certainly isn't worth saying, but because of the times we're living in right now, at least for my American readers, I made the editorial decision to use the word "niggling". (You can probably already see how this isn't worth saying.) It's one of those words I'd use out loud without a second thought, but man, you put that sucker in writing, and suddenly... Anyway, rest assured it's etymologically distinct, and that your author simply has too many over-zealous SJWs in his peripheral vision to not clarify such things, particularly for anybody who thinks I might just be an insensitive clod. (No need to shame me for being over-concerned about coincidences of spelling; I'm not all that concerned, yet nevertheless plenty ashamed. Plus, if you think I'm being crazy, check this shizzle out, yo.)

Anyway, stupid word drama aside, I hope you enjoy the newest chapter. I'm hoping to get Friday done in the next couple days, but we'll see how much it snowballs. Could be zany, gang. One word: sixsome. More to come!



Great chapter, as per goddamn usual. The streak you're on! Man! Maybe the only good thing to happen in 2020, unless the Bears' season also gets cancelled. There's a... I don't know, a level of enjoyment in this one that felt cathartic, felt like a relief. It's like the end of high school, you know? There's a point where you feel like it's all going to fall apart, it's going to crush you, and then... it doesn't? You're out the other side and it's like Oh This Is Kind Of Nice. The stress is gone and you get to enjoy the experience, those last few weeks of it. I like how that's reflected in the pace of the story. Plus, shit, hot as *hell*. I could read a dozen more chapters about Candy and Isa's new relationship; Abbie is a dream of a nightmare; and, as always, Cassie is a naively filthy delight.


FWIW: I’m a huge SJW, and niggling is fine. It has a completely different origin and meaning than n*****. It’s ultimately from the Old Norse word hnøggr and the old English word hnēaw, possibly via the Scandinavian nigla or possibly just floating around England from the time of the Anglo-Saxon invasions. With that said, I would suggest avoiding niggardly, despite it deriving from the same root as niggling. It goes beyond being a linguistic false friend to be more of a false spouse.


Yeah, I am in 100% agreement with you. I did a quick check on the etymology before including it, but you're exactly right. Niggardly, especially with its status as a pejorative and that it's a far less common word in the vernacular, is right out. There's talking the way people talk and being sensitive to readers, and there's ramming your vocab down their throat with a smug "well technically...!"