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 Here we have part 15. This honestly could have been part 15 and 16 - feel free to let me know if you have thoughts on whether they should be released as such when I get around to sharing them with the broader public. It's split fairly evenly into two parts, one dealing with what has now become of affairs with Candy and Isa after their thwarting, and one a reconciliation between Canon and the Sterns (one of them, anyway). After two long sexless chapters, we also finally get to have a little fun, too, so yay for you, Mr. Canon.

Probably go read first, then come back for the rest later? Not spoiling anything explicitly, but it might make more sense after. 

Here's a thing. (It's a page with a video clip, might wanna turn the volume down a bit before you play it.) The clip is from the movie Saving Silverman. I used to love this movie. I haven't seen it in years, and I don't know how it's aged, but it always tickled me. If you haven't seen it, it's about this guy Silverman who hooks up with a super hot but horribly manipulative and controlling woman, and his two dude friends try to, ya know, save Silverman. Shenanigans ensue. At the end, Steve Zahn has successfully disrupted their wedding, and the enraged bride is choking him out in the aisle when he comes to an epiphany regarding the heretofore antagonist: "Admit it! I'm the assertive man you need, and you're the hard core bitch I've always dreamed of!" Somewhere in the middle of choking him, they begin to make out, then knock one another's teeth out, then kiss some more.

So for those folks who are struggling to Get It when it comes to Canon and Taylor, I think that 4 second clip summarizes it a lot better than I ever could have. Most of the women in the story have obvious sex appeal, either by a fetishized identity (hot cop, sexy teacher, innocent schoolgirl/girl next door, MILF), or by the relationship Serenex gives them to the protagonist (fantasy slut, booty call indoctrinee, submissive, indentured servant). Taylor's pretty much as she was at the beginning of the story, aside from being more permissive, and Canon is pretty much how he was aside from being more self-assured. Taylor's mean, pushy, arrogant, hot-tempered, dishonest, a deliberate tease. And really, she doesn't like Canon all that much either - after all, he's naggy, condescending, indecisive, unambitious, a pedant with delusions of being an ivory tower intellectual. But like Steve Zahn once said...

Anyway, I'm sure some of you still won't like it, but that's sorta where that's coming from, at least as an explanation. And remember the standard disclaimer: no relationships in this or probably any of my stories should be taken as models for healthy living. But especially this one.



Bravo! That chapter read like the end, and I hope it is because it’s a fantastic ending.


There is something so satisfying about sex with Taylor. This is the best. Seeing the new Candy and Isa is startling. I was dreading how the lesbians would be treated. But I’m strangely okay with the carrot approach to retraining their behaviour. Clearly something had to change. This method seems better than most I could imagine.