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Just kidding, it's Teaching Her A Lesson part 7. They pushed the deadline back for the charity anthology, which I took as a plain invitation to procrastinate. In this chapter, we unmask our blackmailer from part 4. I absolutely loved the ideas you guys had for their identity, but alas, tempting though it was to switch course, I stuck to my original plan. 

Which reminds me, another idea I might try out if there's interest later on this year: a choose your own adventure style story. I was thinking I might introduce a premise, give a couple options, and let you fine folks vote on which option to take. I could give you a few days to read/vote while I work on other stuff, and on we'd go. I dunno. Could be fun? Could be stupid? Thoughts welcome.

Today, part 1 should go live on the EMCSA, so we're now only 6 weeks ahead of the release schedule (assuming Simon doesn't need another week off). So it'll be fun to see if the wider audience likes it too. And if not, fuck those guys, you rule and they can go right to hell. :) In the meantime, have a great weekend, everybody. More to come!



So, it's been a day and no one asked about it: is that Toy Story 3 anecdote something you really did for a class?


Guilty. Every year once we finished our Holocaust unit, I busted that out. I wasn't one to do a lot of movies, but it gets to be a genuinely emotionally draining experience sitting through my class every day. It was a way to help climb out of it [while I got caught up on grading the huge amount of journaling and such]. Also a legit exercise in understanding allegory in media - there aren't many other movies so rich in symbolism, and a good way for them to start thinking about entertainment as being About Something instead of purely superficial. If y'all have never watched TS3 through that lens, I recommend it. There's literally dozens of symbols in there. Obvious shit like the toys descending into a literal furnace, sure, but it's everywhere. Once the mind wraps itself around the idea of Andy as god and his toys as the Jewish people, one can't miss it for what its writer intended. It's weaker in regards to Flexo-Hitler and his role and ideology, but I think the story is more one about the faith journey of the Jews than a history lesson. It definitely makes the tear-jerker as the toys arrive at Bonnie's-house-Israel all the more brutal, though.


So... it is maybe possible that I wrote chapter 8 yesterday but felt like it didn't say everything I wanted to say so I wrote chapter 9 today. I'll edit tonight probably and get them out together for what the French might call Les Tuesdet Serrrrrprahs, if they spoke no French and were using a really bad French accent


what is wrong with you and can we stop it from being fixed