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So yeah, here's more. For all the folks worried I'm going to write myself to death, don't. Trust me, if you'd had to teach Taylor (or "Taylor," as it were), you'd still have a chip on your shoulder about it most of a decade later, too. I did manage to miss having "Abbie" in class, but only because I quit when I did. I did get to hear frequent stories from coworkers who had to drink away their frustrations with her, though. She made at least one of them cry. I include her in honor of those tears. (And because it's hot.) 

I apologize for cramming in the whole step-sister and age retcon thing in chapter whatever-it-was, too; it's a stupid convention, especially with same gendered siblings. (Like, what's going to happen, an inbred test tube baby?) But if I do try to post this anywhere but the rather permissive EMCSA, they have stricter content standards that adding a "step" and a year helps circumvent. Annoying contrivance, I know, so forgive me for shoehorning it in.

As for the several messages I've gotten requesting to see what the real-life "Taylor" and "Abbie" look like, I am... I dunno. Unsure if that might be ethically dicey? Perhaps with their faces blurred or something? *shrug* On the one hand, they are (were) horrible; on the other, I enjoy pretending I am (was) not. (But really, I was one of the good ones, I swear.) Maybe I'm over-thinking it. I'm not saying I can't be persuaded, but for now, use my words and your imaginations.

Next up, I really do have to finish up that charity post, so it might be a little bit before part 7 hits the page. In the meantime, stay wonderful and remember to smile. More to come!



Candy's consent lessons were wonderful