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So of all the stuff I've written, this series is by far the one I've gotten the most feedback on. (For the millionth time, sorry about Emily!) I took it off the web a long time back, planning on revising it to a point where I thought it would be as good as I wanted it to be. There are a lot of problems I have with it, from some inconsistencies in characterization, to the way the first half of the story is limited to one PoV but the second half jumps all over, to simply not sufficiently foreshadowing or leading the reader. It's kinda lazy, episodic stuff, and it makes me anxious. Not that I don't love lots about it, but there's all kinds of things I desperately wish I'd handled differently.

That said, I'm finally facing the fact that I'm just never going to want to spend time revising old stuff when there's so much new stuff more forcefully commanding my attention. As such, I'm going to simply re-release this to all of you fine people as a too-long-delayed thank you for your support. For those of you who read it the first time, it should be pretty much as you remembered; for those who didn't, brace yourself for some early Ice Bear erotica in all its unvarnished glory.

For all of you who've bought a copy of Our Time Was Now, I hope you enjoyed it, and for those who haven't, you're dead to me. (But I kid. :D) In the meantime, here's Tolerance, and The Tolerant. There may well be some formatting issues due to the age of the file and my inexperience when it was compiled, but hopefully nothing too bad. If there is, lemme know and I'll see what I can do.



I remember this. It had problems that Ice Bear already listed, sure, but it wasn't all bad. In fact I would go so far as to say if you loved TIOS, then you will probably at least like this. Actually, if I may be so bold as to say so, I feel that this actually had a couple of things going for it over TIOS. I liked that the “villain” in this story wasn’t cartoonishly evil. I liked that the characters actually shared and hid information from each other in a way that made logical sense (TIOS characters were somehow simultaneously inept at hiding information from enemies and terrible at sharing information with their friends/allies). I liked that the main characters all had distinct motivations and their actions made sense in light of those goals. I liked that the narrative (mostly) didn’t make it too obvious which characters I was meant to root for and which ones I was supposed to hate. So yeah, Emily’s fate did come out of left field and change the tone of the story at the eleventh hour, probably to its detriment (I remember thinking at the time, "surely there has to be a better way to establish Ashley as the bad guy in this story"). Yeah, the writing style itself was not of the consistently high quality we’ve grown to expect. But I think that Ice Bear was selling himself a little short when he described this story. And to Ice Bear, I think you made the right choice by just throwing this out to patrons. The temptation to go back and fix the mistakes of the past is great, but ultimately it’s better to learn from them and apply those improvements to newer work. You never really get to a point where you’re 100% happy with a story. I’m actually pledged to an author or two that have been re-writing chapters of the same story over and over, with some chapters having been re-written multiple times through the years. It’s a never-ending cycle.


Largely agreed. It may fall apart in the end, but it's still smoking hot erotica for the rest of it. And, yeah, it's nice to look at as a test run for something like TIOS. I know that most artists have a love/hate relationship with their older work, but it's nice for fans to have a chance to judge the whole catalog for themselves. Even if Ice Bear looks back on Tolerance/ant with some qualms, it may be a book that means a lot to a fan.


Although Emily’s fate was a shock at the time, the uniqueness of her fate and how it affected others was a refreshing take on the MC genre for me. I was truly invested in her in a way that surprised me. I commented to family and friends on how much impact that chapter had on me. Now Ashley’s reasoning seemed flawed but not everyone is sane I guess.


Yeah, God, that Emily reveal was a punch in the gut, wasn't it? The writing gets you all excited for a happy ending, and then... *that*. I'm curious which parts of Ashley's reasoning seemed flawed to you. I just took her as "relentless agent of MC chaos and selfish desire", so I'd love to hear someone's take on her that has more nuance than mine.


Well it’s more like: it’s hard to get what you want if you push things so far that you almost immediately go to jail. I mean she thought at the time that she was untouchable based on her borrowed power. But it wasn’t really true.


Yeah, that Ashley is... not a very capable villain. She flew too close to the sun on wings of Just Completely Fucking Crazy.


Don’t get me wrong. Up until that moment her views and her manipulations worked out like a house on fire. A bit chaotic but still skewed in her favour. She just lost her way at the end. Is it about keeping your crazy in the domain of undoable?


I think you're probably right. She'd become so unaccustomed to not getting her way (through beauty, popularity, or DJ's power) that when she was cut off, she just went for the most insane solution available. DJ probably could've forgiven other stuff, maybe she could've wormed her way back in, but murder? Yikes. Too far. Irredeemable. But in the same way every problem looks like a nail if all you have is a hammer, I guess every problem to a psychopath can be solved by dropping a body on it.


Flaws and all, this is what introduced me to the lovely world of Ice Bear. Happy to have it back!


So true! Hey, if you don't mind me asking, how did you first experience these stories? Was it as a weekly-ish drip of chapters on the EMCSA? Or was it one big binge read after it was all done? (I've got some theories on how reading it one way or another could affect people's views, but I'm mostly just curious how different fans discover these stories. I hope this isn't weird to ask! Thanks for posting!)


Weekly-ish drips on EMCSA, then I dropped the story for a LONG time and read all of The Tolerant at once.