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w00ha! We got ourselves another trilogy, folks! The final book in the TIOS series is completed, and the book is off for review at Amazon. It usually takes around 24-36 hours, though they say it could be up to 72. Regardless, as soon as it's up, I'll let y'all know where you can find it. I got a handful of messages and comments about the former tentative title, and decided I really wanted something else for a bunch of reasons. So now, we have... *drum roll*

Our Time Was Now - This Is Our Story volume III. I guess that's not really an exciting announcement since you all saw the image of the book cover before you read this. Whatever. I used to be a drummer, and I want to get some mileage out of it.

In the meantime, you $20 folks can find your copy in the subsequent post. Again, not to push anybody into burning money they don't want to, but remember for even a one-month pledge of $20, you get instant access to everything I've ever sold on Amazon, at which point you can just download it all, then reduce your pledge back to its current level. (Or not, whatevs.) The TIOS series alone would run you $21 from Amazon, so if you haven't read any of them, it's a cheaper way to get it than Amazon, plus you get everything else I have on Amazon too.

Speaking of, I did get a question about alternative purchasing methods, for those who share my disdain for Amazon's bottom line. If you have such a concern for whatever reason, please send me a message and I can get you info on how to work around it. I'm happy to let them collect their cut to save me time, but I don't mind going out of my way for you lovely people, especially if you espouse a very natural desire not to enrich Jeff Bezos.

I'll let you know as soon as I have a link for the sale site, folks. More to come!



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