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All righty, cats and kitties, we have ourselves a novel! The first draft was completed this very morning and I think I'm pretty happy with how the conclusion/wrap-up turned out. We now have a title for the book: Forever Northside, and I think the cover art will be along the lines of the previous two. The final word count has come out to a grand total of 122051 words (so far; my editing always adds more, and I have a few minor additions to make). Thus, it should be pretty close to the length of We, The Nighthawks, within a few thousand or so. (Presently, in print book terms, it's around 270 pages.) I plan to put this one up for sale for the same  $7.99 as Nighthawks, for those of you micromanaging budgets. :) 

I'll be taking the next week or so to edit it and make it pretty for y'all, but my goal remains to have it done by the end of June, and then there's a day or two of processing at Amazon for those of you buying it there. For those of you who haven't read the previous two novels, one of them is up for free, and the second one is already on Amazon. Just as a reminder, if you're thinking of buying more than a few of my book, you can save yourself some $  and up your pledge to $20, which gives you access to everything I've ever put up for sale. I link to those here via patreon, so those folks can simply bring up all $20 posts and it should basically be nothing but those books. If you have trouble, let me know and I'm happy to help. Then, once you've downloaded whatever you want to download, you can simply adjust your pledge back to whatever you prefer it to be and it'll only charge you the one time.

 At this point, I literally have no idea what's next on the horizon, but as soon as there's something to know, you fine people will be the very first to know it. Depending on how tedious the editing gets (expected: very), I may even take a break for a day or two and whip up another quick story.

 More to come!



oof sudden urge to spend $50 to read this installment tonight


Much as I'm happy to take your money, I'd very much recommend waiting a week to get a polished and pretty version for a fraction of the price! Still, I appreciate the sentiment :D


Is there any way to buy the book without contributing to the wealth of Jeff Bezos?


Nuts! I was hoping this post was the debut, not an alert about the upcoming debut! I'm dying to find out what happens, and that title seems to foreshadow a bit!!!


Ha! It's not a spoiler or anything, I assure you, but that's a fair point. I'll take it under advisement. :)


Sure! Once I have it ready, I'll give some instructions for purchasing directly from me via paypal. Mr. Bezos will have to finance his next fleet of yachts without us. :)


Dude, congratulations. I'm not a $50 patreon so I have not read it yet (and I don't think you stated it), but this is giving me "final installment on the series" vibes. I'm so hyped, even if I will miss it when it ends.


I'm very excited to read Forever Northside, but I might be *more* excited to read The Tolerant 2: Emily's Revenge, which I assume is the next thing you're working on.


While this won't necessarily end the TIOS universe as a setting, this is intended to be the end of this particular story. I hope it lives up to expectations! Editing is currently completed for 2/15 chapters. :D


I tell ya, of all the authorial decisions I ever made, Emily's death in The Tolerant was by an enormous margin the one I got the most hate mail over. I felt really bad about it, too, but... I was big into letting my characters do whatever the character would do in those days. I'm a little more careful any more.


I'm so excited for this. While I've expressed how much of a fan I am of Miss C. I'm also interested in how the whole ending of book 2 fits in to the plot. Kudos!


So, I was mostly just trying to think of the most Not Going To Happen story I could, but your response got me thinking: does a negative reaction to a story point feel good as an author? Not "hate mail" negative, because *yikes*, but knowing that folks were invested enough in Emily's story to feel hurt by its ending? (For what it's worth: I really enjoyed Emily's story, and while I wish her ending had been happier, it didn't ruin the story for me or anything.) As I get older, I try to remember that "I didn't like it" is not the same as "it was bad", and that my dislike of a piece of art doesn't need to be communicated to a creator. But is there any satisfaction in knowing that, good or bad, people felt strongly about something in a story of yours? (Also, I feel a bit bad posing this question when you're editing a book we all can't wait to read. Sorry!)


In that case, I felt pretty satisfied to have created a character and situation people were so invested in. Really, what I called "hate mail" was mostly people being sufficiently caught up in their emotional response that they needed to vent it, which I don't think they intended to be a complaint and I didn't interpret it as. And you hit the nail on the head, re: it-was-bad vs. I-feel-bad. Plus, I'll be honest, one of my favorite communications from a fan I've ever received was actual straight-up authentic hate mail. A guy wrote me saying how he'd read everything I'd ever written... and how he detested every character, every plot, the theme and tone of everything I'd ever done. I seriously wrote back to assure him he's entitled to his opinion, no hard feelings, and mostly to ask why on earth he kept reading my stuff when he hates it so much?!?! I was dying laughing. And no worries about questions! I have to distract myself from editing every so often or I slip into a lull and become useless to myself, so this is a useful distraction. Speaking of, back to chapter 3. :)


Just to update, I'm nearly there! Done with first pass through chapter 12 of 15, and then one last broad strokes double check and we're set. Soon!


I Really hope, that the release will make it this weekend, it would be perfect.


On chapter 14 now, planning to dig in and finish up today. Then it's up to Amazon!