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That's the name of the story, not me apologizing for anything. This is the belated December monthly commission drawing (and props to the drawing winner for being so patient!). 

I often compare writing on commission to doodling with crayons. Sometimes, you've got the lines all sketched out for you in the coloring book and you just pick a crayon color and fill it in. Other times, you've got a blank sheet of paper and the a world of possibility. Both have their fun sides. Usually, when people commission a story, I get the first one. The commissions aren't cheap, so people want to get what they want. They tend to be pretty specific - scene by scene walk-through, character names, descriptions, do's and don'ts. (Which is fine!) 

This time around, the request was, if I may quote the drawing winner: "something with bimbos and a twist ending."

Ladies and gentlemen... I give you: Oopsie.

Going forward, I have one more commission I'm doing before beginning TIOS 3, and then I'll be doing kind of a chapter/commission back and forth until I get caught up. More to come!



Oh damn - loved the story, and that twist ending really knocked me for something. Great work!


Ha ha ha, fantastic.


Additionally, I'm not really big on bimbo transformation stories (not my kink), but it turns out I *am* big on bimbo transformation stories that are a stealth indictment of the ways men patronize and objectify attractive women. So, more of that, please.


Yeah, I try to keep character indictments of MCers from being over themes, but with a request for a twist, I thought it'd be fun to give a jerk his comeuppance. :D