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So as some of you may have noticed, many of my posts on the EMCSA have gone missing. In the next few days, you'll see the same happen on my Literotica page as they [glacially] process my requests. This is in order to do a little editing, some prettyfication, and to post them to Amazon to sell to those jerks who never took the time to find me, so they can shell out big $$$ for them. MUAHAHAHAHAHA!

(But seriously, the Ice Bear's got bills and dreams, yo. And I don't actually think my customers are jerks, of course.)

In the coming weeks, you'll see all of those stories come through here as a "hey, ___________ is available on Amazon!" post from me. $20+ patrons will get their free copies as usual. They are not gone forever, I promise.

HOWEVER! I can hear some of you thinking, "wtf, I've been a loyal supporter!" And you're right! Because you people are wonderful and amazing and I would take a bullet (or at least a paintball pellet) for you, here's a thing you can do: 

Use the Wayback Machine, a site that archives websites as they existed at points in the past. From there, search for mcstories.com or literotica.com (as you prefer), and select a recent date. Alternately, you can just click here for EMCSA, or here for literotica; both of those links represent the most current pre-deletion states of my works. (The literotica one won't provide a link directly to my stuff, but you can click-click-click through to finding me with some savvy web-browsing, and personally, I prefer the EMCSA anyway.) 

If you're having trouble or not finding something, just let me know and I'll happily send you a copy. My intent is in no way to inhibit my loyal followers and patrons from enjoying my stuff as they've always been able to! I apologize for the inconvenience and the scare. I will also make sure to always alert you whether a new Amazon story is something old you've seen, or something new you've not, so you don't spend more money for something you've already seen. The last thing I want is for you folks to feel like I'm fleecing you.


Dorian Alton

Hi there Ice Bear. Thanks for the heads up about the stories disappearing off the current archive, and making sure they stay on the Wayback. Hopefully the sales go well :D


Yeah, thanks. I... actually added as a patron mostly for this explanation, as I'm not super-familiar with your work -- you've done a lot of stuff I wanted to look into, but have had issues with due to my trouble reading erotic stories. (They... turn me on too much. x.x; ) Will take a look!


So I'm assuming this means no future works posted to mcstories or literotica? I became a patron because of that exposure and my desire to support your efforts - I'm just wondering if your patronage will stagnate without something to draw in new folks? Amazon sales are all well and good and I hope you earn some good $$$ from them, but I'm not yet at the point where I've got the cash to purchase a bunch of e-stories, so I'm unfortunately not in your new target audience.


I've been reading your stories for months (Huge fan of Todd) and only recently found your patreon. The Wayback links arent working for me, and i'd love to read some of your stuff again.


I will still be occasionally posting to the free sites, just because sometimes it's fun to share and it's never bad to remind people I'm still out there. I realize this is mostly a problem for my $1 patrons (though they will still get sneak previews of those posts), and I take no umbrage if people feel it's not worth it to them any more. I'm still very grateful for any/all support, but I know I am not always high $ priority. :)

icebear (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-04 07:52:20 Hmm. It might be a browser thing... Maybe try going direct to The Wayback Machine (<a href="https://archive.org" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://archive.org)</a> It's a strange browser; you just need to enter the site you're looking for (mcstories.com is best) and then it'll bring up different dates where the site's frozen in time. Pick a date (looks like the August 23rd update is most recent that would still have all my stuff), and from there you'll be on mcstories.com, and just need to click Authors --&gt; Ice Bear. (Then bookmark it while you're there so you don't have to keep doing all that hassle.) If that's STILL not working, send me a private message with your email address (or just email me at svalbarding@gmail.com) and I'll send you files directly. We'll get this!
2017-10-03 00:37:53 Hmm. It might be a browser thing... Maybe try going direct to The Wayback Machine (<a href="https://archive.org" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://archive.org)</a> It's a strange browser; you just need to enter the site you're looking for (mcstories.com is best) and then it'll bring up different dates where the site's frozen in time. Pick a date (looks like the August 23rd update is most recent that would still have all my stuff), and from there you'll be on mcstories.com, and just need to click Authors --> Ice Bear. (Then bookmark it while you're there so you don't have to keep doing all that hassle.) If that's STILL not working, send me a private message with your email address (or just email me at svalbarding@gmail.com) and I'll send you files directly. We'll get this!

Hmm. It might be a browser thing... Maybe try going direct to The Wayback Machine (<a href="https://archive.org" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://archive.org)</a> It's a strange browser; you just need to enter the site you're looking for (mcstories.com is best) and then it'll bring up different dates where the site's frozen in time. Pick a date (looks like the August 23rd update is most recent that would still have all my stuff), and from there you'll be on mcstories.com, and just need to click Authors --> Ice Bear. (Then bookmark it while you're there so you don't have to keep doing all that hassle.) If that's STILL not working, send me a private message with your email address (or just email me at svalbarding@gmail.com) and I'll send you files directly. We'll get this!


Sheesh, the link in that reply got muddled. Should be working now.


I tried, looks like the most recent I can access is January 14 '17. I'll shoot you an email


I assume that The Tolerant and Tolerance will be making the rounds on Amazon at some point then?


Yes. I'm finishing up a refurbishment of My New Girlfriend presently once I finish a (delightful!) wave of commissions, and then that's next on the chopping block. It will be more of a re-write, because the pacing is weird and I definitely did not intend it to become what it did in the beginning, so lots of work to be done, especially on the early portions. But yes!If you want a copy of the originals, just message me your email address (they don't allow file transfers via Patreon) and I'll send it your way.