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I suppose I should call this post more of a disclaimer than anything. Should you wind up on my author page on Amazon and see the above, please know this is a re-titling of a story I shared here on patreon last week, then called The Treasure of the Vault of Myrgos. The last thing I want is for someone who's already donated to me via patreon to feel fleeced. I'm happy to have sales, but unless you're either pledging less than $5 here (and didn't get access), or just like the format/cover art and want a separate edition, probably not a great purchase. (If this has happened to you, please contact me so I can make it right.)

That said, I published something. Yay! While mostly I just selected/created cover art for each story as appropriate, part of me is a little curious as to how much it matters. I've seen some of both sides - that having some eye candy on the cover is a huge sales motivator, or that it doesn't much matter. If you have thoughts or insights, feel free to let me know. Otherwise, I'm sure the invisible hand of the market surely will.



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