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Maya stopped Karen's advance and immediately threw a right hook from the spot, but so did Karen.


The fists of both gorgeous Futanari fighters landed as cross counters on the jaws of one another, forcing them to stumble momentarily. Had this been normal boxing, they might have been barely able to stand, but both were wearing high heels.

They lost their balance and collapsed.



Karen and Maya looked at each other vengefully and wiped the hot spittle off their lips with their warm gloves.

"Both fighters are down!" The referee came up to the ring and shouted.

"Penalty time! Both are penalized, so the referee, not the opposing player, takes the penalty directly! Get on your knees and face each other!"



The two fighters were confused, but followed the instructions nonetheless, having been warned enough times of the consequences should they refuse to comply.

"For five minutes from now on, I'm going to jerk off both fighters without stopping, and nor should you. Are you ready? Then let's get started!"

The referee grabbed Karen and Maya's erected shecocks and quickly began to jerk her hands without a hint of mercy.



The referee's skillful hand movements stimulated the rock-hard cocks of the two fighters intensely, and the expressions of both fighters scrunch up in agonizing pleasure.

Staring at one another only made the situation all the more mentally, maddeningly sensual – but unlike Maya, Karen had already been through this kind of dirty, filthy combat.

She pulled Maya's hair back, pressed her forehead to her opponent, and whispered to her with a sneer.

“You like this, huh, you dirty slut? You like getting your dick jerked off? You’re moaning like a whore, this is your first time, isn’t it? You flinched the moment my cock slapped yours!”

“Agggh, no…ggggagggh…”

"Don't resist it, didn't you agree to participate in this perverse game? You're just a helpless slut. Just like all the other bitches in here!”

“N-no, I….I…”

Karen's mental provocations only made Maya hornier against her will, and she felt her shecock throbbing noticeably more than Karen's.

"Come on, are you going keep resisting bitch? Let me help you!"


Karen's lips covered Maya's, and her wet, invasive tongue wrapped around her own. Maya's eyes widened in surprise as she was vigorously, viciously kissed.

Karen's tongue wrestles with Maya’s tongue for minutes.  She tries to resist it, and force her tongue in Karen's mouth too…but soon, the Widow's kiss almost melts Maya's will to fight back away, and the sensation on her cock was just getting worse and worse.

“Mmpwagh! S-stop!”

Maya shoves Karen's shoulder back and escapes from the kiss she was clearly losing.

"Huh? You've just fled from challenge, Maiden!" The Referee said, and she stopped to jerking Karen's shecock…now focusing entirely on Maya, stroking her faster, almost gleefully.

"This is the punishment for your cowardice!"

"Wait…wait no, it was just….Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…!!!!"

Maya's arched her back in rapturous pleasure as the sensations from her cock ran down her spine, while Karen only giggled, looking on.

“You’re such a weak slut! Hahaha!”


"1 minute remaining!" The Referee said amid fierce and ferocious strokes against Maya's shecock. Maya clenched her teeth, helplessly letting her do that, but still she was enduring it tenaciously.

“Weak but fucking stubborn, huh?” Karen sneers, and intentionally thrusted her pelvis forward, her shecock still in the referee’s hand, but her tip thrusted forward and smacked against Maya’s own.

"Hnnggghh?!?" Maya is surprised, and she tried to hold the pleasure from her shaft her but the sensation is just too much for her.

"I know you like it bitch, never went cock-to-cock boxing with another woman, huh?! Cum bitch! Cum!" Both throbbing, rock-hard cocks collide repeatedly, and the referee’s hand pumps Maya's penis over and over and over again.



Maya's eyes rolled back, and thick, hot cum shot from Maya's cocktip in thick, bubbly and creamy ropes.

Her body twitched violently and she gurgled.

"..1! Punishment time is over! Now get ready to fight, ladies!"

Karen stood up and looked down at Maya arrogantly, boastingly posing with her hard, fully-erect cock.


Maya stood up on shaky legs, her thighs and legs trembling.

"Wait..! Your cock isn’t erect!" The Referee pointed out Maya's shecock in the aftermath of the brutal orgasm.

"I'll count 10 second… if you can't maintain your erection, you'll lose!"

"Wait… I.. I can make it..!"

Maya hastily grabbed her own shecock, starting to shamefully masturbate with her gloved hand.

Karen laughed.

"You're really a desperate bitch, aren't you?"

"Don't… say it like that...!"

Maya blushed, and she managed to get herself hard again just before the count ended, but she felt she would lose her stiffness if she didn’t stimulate it constantly until she fully recovered.

She only raised one hand in her fighting stance, while her other hand continued to jerk herself off, earning a smirk from Karen.

"Okay, now fight!" refree said and stepped back.

"What are you now, a one armed boxer? Slut!"

The Widow threw a straight punch at the Maiden’s face without hesitation, and Maya could barely block it with just one hand.





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