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Pathetic moans echoed through the abandoned factory into the rafters, making the ceiling vibrate.

“Take this, fucking BITCH! Yes…YESSS! Unngh, I’m going to fuck your slutty cunt till it’s raw and loose!”


A mature, yet ferocious woman pounded her shecock into her opponent’s pussy viciously, the poor victim’s eyes rolling back as she cums viciously.

“The match is over! The winner…is…”WIDOW!”

“I’m gonna fuck you until your fucking loser pussy is worn out, you fucking dirty whore!!”

“Widow” didn’t even celebrate her hard fought victory…she only continued to pound her hips forward over and over into the unconscious woman…



The sounds from Maya’s laptop were tinny, but still enough to echo through the room as she maxed out the volume.

The display now showed the match’s end with large green letters appearing on the display.

-Winner: “Widow” 1-0

-Loser: “Buttercup” 1-3

-Buttercup's record

Lose: vs "Blondie" -Sumo fight

Lose: vs "Eagle"- Boxing fight

Win: vs "Peach" -No holds barred fight

Lose: vs "Widow"-Sexfight

"Now, Buttercup has proven that she's not competitive enough to be in the league. The 2nd dropout of the league this year after "Peach"! " The Referee said with a giggle.

“You hear that, bitch? It’s over, you’re DONE!” Widow yells at the loser as she keeps fucking her.


“It’s….it’s so savage, I can’t…” Maya thought to herself as she stared at the display.

“B-but…” Her fingers trail along her shecock slowly. That futa woman, “Widow”….they said that the winner of this match would be her first opponent…and Maya just couldn’t shake the thought. “If I had to fight her….body to body…that’s…”

She would be reminded of a shocking moment in Vermilion, causing her to blush…yet she couldn’t take her eyes off the display.



Three weeks later, Karen was punching her bag in her fitness room of her penthouse, having been able to keep her very expensive home as Vermilion had bought over her company…and the cost was….

“I’m gonna beat any bitch’s ass….It’s horrible I have to do what those Vermilion cunts say…but at least it wasn’t so bad last time…I actually enjoyed fucking her.” She thought to herself as she smacked the bag. “And now what…”High heeled boxing?” they say? What a freaking joke….”



“Boxing…I learned a bit of it in the past….but I need to improve.” Maya thought as she threw punches into the used punching bag hanging in her room that she’d bought for training. She clenched her teeth. “It’s a relif that it’s just boxing….at least I don’t need to display anything shameful…except I’ll be completely nude. But…all I need to do is knock my opponent out…”



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