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I cannot even begin to tell you how rad this shoot was for me. Vivka has been a huge inspiration to me since the beginning of my modeling career. She always seemed like this bubbly, energetic, playfully sexy beast of a lady. And she totally is. Vivka is one of the very few models who is everything I hoped she would be in real life. It's easy to become infatuated with who we think someone is online so when we meet some of the people we follow and they are just as genuine as they seem, it's incredibly rewarding. I hope to do lots more fun stuff with this little lady in the future. Go check her out!


Photography by Marquez Photography

The rest of the set will be up for the $10+ tier. :)




Duuuude. It was thru VV that I found you actually. I gotta tell you tho....in that shot, I am totes jelly of your left hand. lol