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That's right. Today was a wonderful photography treat. Natasha is one of my favorote clients ever and lucky for me, she came to town this weekend wanting to shoot. 📸 I first met Natasha last year and had one of the most exciting shoots of my career. Today was equally as fun. I did her makeup and hair along with providing wardrobe and eventually taking the photos. It's a ton of work, but the shots look great! I've really been missing the photography side of things, so today was a nice refresher. After a full day of work, I came home and JD surprised me with doughnuts! 🍩 Then we HAD to try out our new Ben and Jerry's ice cream flavors. We'll be doing a Periscope chat to review them sometime this week on our @pinkyandproppy account. Aside from today, things have been mad busy lately. Immediately after coming home from LA, my dad and stepmom came to visit. Seeing them sure did make my heart happy. They left this passed Friday morning then it was time to get ready for PeriUnion. Now all that is finished, and I think I finally have tomorrow to sleep in! Oh, and today was my first no makeup day in about 2-3 weeks. Woohoo!!! Perhaps I'll even get a second day tomorrow. 😍 That might be asking for too much... I'm looking for suggestions on my rewards here. Thinking about changing it up for April, but let me know your thoughts. I hope you all have a fabulous night or day, depending on when you see this. ❤️



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