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Like a bat outta hell dropping that blog post. The app wouldn’t let me schedule it, so there it is. 😂

I’m finally getting this quarantine thing down and feeling better about getting into a flow of things and I have lots of new, helpful stuff for ya.

First things first, I hope all of you are doing well in the health dept. Things are nutso right now and I hope this place can serve as a good resource for you during this time. I’m going to get a few things scheduled and share my inner workings from some past, present, and future projects. I have nothing but time now so it’s a great time for me to get a good system figured out here.

JD and I are doing well, staying home as much as we can. We’re ordering some pizza in a bit so I’m super excited for that! 😍🍕

Anyone watching any good shows or reading any good books? I’m all here for recommendations. We’re watching New Girl, Mandalorian, and waiting on the last season of Schitt’s Creek, all of which I HIGHLY recommend.

I’ll be back shortly with some more posts! ❤️😘

Love you all!

Annalee 💕



I’m an essential hospital worker as an RN. My husband can work from home most of the time. He’s a construction safety officer at a very large hospital. He has to be in once a week for inspections.


I am in Information Technology for a behavioral health company and can work remotely when needed. I worked remotely for 3 days last week. With having orders for laptops coming in to get ready for our counselors to work remotely and be able to still help their patients during this pandemic is critical so I go in and work on that as well as helping people who are having to install our vpn software on their personal computers because getting enough laptops to help them all and get them fast is not easy when we can't get a big order because stock from the companies we get them from are low with all businesses that are having a rush to help employees work remotely. They gave us bottles of hand sanitizer and I use that stuff more than I care to but I cannot always make it to the restroom at work to wash my hands whenever I have to go get peoples work desktop computers ready to take home as well. My boss and I, the only 2 IT people for the company with it being a non-profit, are switching days that we are there to help minimize the risk we take to help our fellow employees. It is a very trying time for the world and I know that we can get through this, all of us. I just am praying for sooner rather than later. You all take good care of yourselves and stay safe... God bless everyone :)