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Wow. What an OMG type day. 

Nothing major really happened. Just a lot of little annoyances and petty people being dramatic over wedding stuff. 

And some personal things that I would totally share, but they involve other people so I don't wanna drag other names in. 

But I just wanted to vent and use this space as my little journal. 

Despite all of this, it was still a pretty rad day. Oh yeah, I just remembered I had to go give blood for a mercury test to make sure I don't have high levels too. I have little baby veins so I always get very nervous for giving blood and I pass out about a quarter of the time. Today I did not, so that was probably the icing on my cake. haha

But anyways, I say it was still pretty rad because all in all, I still got to be home most of the day. I was able to get up with the sun (which is one of my favorite feelings), get some work done, get to the gym, buy groceries, prep and then cook some food, have ramen with my amazing fiance, and now, spend a little time sharing my thoughts with all of you. 

I think I'm going to treat some more of these posts like a journal. I like to write my thoughts down, but dear goodness, it takes so long to write on paper. And if I vlog, well...it can really end up a lot longer than planned. 

I find it really important to be grateful for the good stuff even when I'm upset. For example, today one of my aunts was apparently really upset about not being invited to the wedding. She said some things which could be taken as hurtful, but it honestly doesn't change how I feel about her. She's done a lot of good things for me and other family members, so I still love her all the same and understand how it might hurt to not be invited. I'm thankful that she cares about the wedding and me, because, let's face it...no one would be mad about not being invited if they didn't care. 10 years ago I would have called or text her right away and told her off, but tonight, I worked through the initial reacting emotions pretty fast and decided not to act out at all. That is what I'm most grateful for. I had an opportunity to show myself my personal growth over the last few years and I gotta say, I'm giving myself a little pat on the back right now. *pats self on back and tells self she did good today*

Also, I'd like to mention that I went for a crafternoon at my friend's house yesterday and it was uhhhhmazing. Taking those few hours to just create something for myself felt really, really wonderful. And we had some lovely conversation. 

So my little tip for any of you under stress...find even just a few hours in a week for yourself. Tell people you're going to the gym if you need a valid excuse. Then actually go to the gym (you don't have to work out, could just sit in the sauna or something) so you're not lying, and as soon as you're done get outta there quick and go do something else for yourself. :D I know that sounds nutso to some, but I often see women moseying around the gym literally taking so much time I didn't know it was possible and I tell myself, "I bet they're really tired moms or caregivers and they just need some time to themselves." I only use women as the example because I often work out in the women's area and I definitely notice more chill time in there. If you're a guy, this rule still applies. Make sure you find time to play video games, work on your fixer upper car, go listen to a favorite band, read a book, TAKE A BATH if you're into baths...literally whatever is good for your body and soul. :)

Okay, that went much longer than planned. I'm signing off. 

Nighty night, you cool cats! 



Glad you have a positive outlook despite having a bumpy day 😊