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Okay. I know this might seem silly to be posting what seems to be a comical podcast, but hear me out. 

I stumbled upon this gem a few months ago and have just fallen in love with it. In this podcast, they interview unlikely subjects like, in episode one, Luis the Can of Cola. 

This was appealing to me initially because of the lightheartedness and the lack of having to think much while listening. Usually when I'm cleaning or cooking at home or getting ready, I listen to TED talks or educational things about travel, history, or culture. Those things are great, but for someone who battles anxiety and depression, those things can get very heavy. I loved that Everything Is Alive was going to be pure entertainment. 

I was slightly wrong in this, however. How I could end up learning from an unopened can of cola, or a grain of sand is a bit...wonderful. The podcast never fully gets too deep, but it does touch on points that we tend to overlook as humans. And it's not all obvious in-your-face kind of stuff. A lot of it would go right over your head if only half-listening.

Anywho, I highly suggest listening! You can listen right on their website or download the podcast episodes. :)


Everything is Alive

"Poignant, touching and at times laugh-out-loud funny examinations of the human condition...prepare to think deeply about yourself, to laugh and at times, cry." --BBC "It's made with care and understated wit, and it has a surprising frisson of seriousness, quietly provoking thoughts about the objects in our lives, unwittingly laden with our emotions."


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