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This week, I just want to say, THANK YOU for yor patience as I got this new computer purchased and set up, while the other one is still down.  I think this investment will pay off for any future computer issues.  It would probably been another month before I could get back to working if I had not purchased this.  However, for that week and a half that I could not work, I really am grateful for your patience!  Rest assured, I'll get back on track and try to get releases out ASAP!

GN:TT – The new Giggle Night chapter 5 is now available to the $5 and up investors!  And, chapter 4 is now FREE to the public!

SB:C – With my new computer built and operational, I have already begun my rendering process for the Trixie release!  I waste no time!  Sadly, the rig I was using will probably not be fixed for over a month, but at least I can keep working now.  It will make a great back up unit so that I won't have any slow down, or little, if/when anything happens to this new rig.  Professionalism is very important to me- and to you!  I have finished the Feeding Chamber in one day!  So, progress is already being made.  I will do my best to get everything back onto my original release plan!



F:SoS - I will do all the writing and art, but if you are a programmer that is really creative at RPG Maker MV/JavaScript, please let me know if you are interested in programming this title for me! (Unity would probably work too!) I can also offer perks like a Bad End or comic for helping!

F:CoC - I will do all the writing and art, but if you are a programmer that knows Unity, I have the source code for the playable demo from two years ago. Please let me know if you'd like to help me make this game! I can also offer perks like a Bad End or comic for helping!

F:WoS - I will do all the writing and art, but if you are a programmer that knows Unity, I can purchase a premade system that you can tweak to make this Anaxverse game! I can also offer perks like a Bad End or comic for helping!

F:BoD - I will do all the writing and art, but if you are a programmer that knows Unity, I can purchase a premade system that you can tweak to make this Anaxverse game! I can also offer perks like a Bad End or comic for helping!


General News – I have been dying inside without being able to work!  I have to say that I am not a fan of the Windows 11 taskbar, it won't get smaller and is weird.  But, otherwise, I am loving the new computer.  To also make things easier in the future, I also bought an extrnal 12 TB hard drive, and put all my Daz on it, so from now on, all I have to do is unplug it and plug it into whatever computer I am using to have everything ready to go quickly.  The trade off is that it loads models into Daz slower, but I think the trade off is worth it.  Anyway, back to work!  As always questions and comments are welcomed here and in Discord, and thank you again!



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