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Investors and the general public, I wanted to take a moment, and make this a main post regarding the future releases from me.  I will have to charge money for the video games at least at first - but the remaining HTML novels will still be free after a month from when I do a new release.  Regarding the video games, like F:CoC...

The games have actual overhead cost - thousands of dollars
Those costs are: programming, commercial music/voice over rights, and buying the Daz models/paying for my Photoshop monthly

Because of this until I hit my 3k/mo goal, I will not be able to release free content (outside of my novels).  This is not because I do not want to, I simply see no other way to afford the costs.

Please recall that I only make money on Patreon- I have no other revenue stream.  How many of you live on 12k a year in the USA?  It is hard and means I do not have the extra money to buy those necessities for the games.

Thus, my patrons will get the builds first and they will eventually get to a site where people can pay to play them (I am trying to figure out an amount that is fair to charge for both the player and me, the creator).

So, the builds will go patreon investors > itch.io for a couple of bucks.

However, in the future IF I can get more patrons and reach the goal, it will go patreon investors > itch.io > public release for free.

However, now that I have put this in a way that is probably easier to read, I want feedback from everyone investor or public.  Does any of this sound unfair to anyone, and if so, please let me know why and give me your solution.  My career depends on the choices I make, but I know I am not always right though my intent is to always be fair!


Rycharde's Realm

I live off of $1200 a month in SoCal, course that is disability from Social Security. Still... I do know what you are dealing with, sorta. 🙂


Yeah, that is a very expensive place to live, and I am sorry to hear about your situation. To be honest, while it's not easy affording Salt Lake City rent, I am fine living like a pauper. Money never has made me happy, it's writing and art that do, but I just need the other income to afford the games themselves. With luck, I will have a hit on my hands in the community and grow from there. In fact, my Unity games will have two versions, the 'adults only' and the 'everyone' versions, so hopefully new people will arrive to support me that simply will enjoy the games for the game itself (transformation and mind control fetishes aside)!


Please, clarify one moment for me. Will patrons need to buy games in addition to pledge? And, if it is incorrect, what about low and high tier patrons regarding your non-HTML projects?


The 5.00+ patrons will not need to buy anything, except I have no way to give them the iOS and Android versions of the game (though, those will probably be a dollar or something). The tiers will still work as they have with the more one invests, the sooner they get the build on a weekly basis. The only difference is after the $5.00 patrons get it (that is the people paying me .02 cents an hour or 0.17 cents a day- however you want to look at it), then the project will remain patron only until I can afford to pay BlankSubroutine to program the next build (and buy the models/music and such). Once that new build is out, I will release the previous build to the public, and the new build will roll down the line. Does that make sense?


Thx for the answer, Anax! Looking forward to your projects. Keep up the good work)