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Blank is putting the finishing touches on the programming, cleaning up a few rough edges, and we are on schedule.  Patrons- expect this to release by next Sunday at the latest!  (Sooner if I can!)




what tiers of patrons can expect it on sunday?(if al lgoes well?)


With C:I chap 3 going public this weekend for free, that should give content to everyone. I will follow the normal flow, so it will go 30+, 20, 10, 5, and then public- this once. However, whether or not I make it go a full week at a time for the demo, I have not decided yet. But, I feel that my investors do still deserve an earlier release than the public, even if it is just a demo/proof of concept. However, my video games will release differently than my interactive novels do. The novels are 100% free after a month, and as you know follow a monthly cycle. My video games will work in such a way that every time I have a build available, my patrons will get the new build, but the public will get the builds only in certain amounts. As one might expect, buying models, music commercial rights, and paying a programmer are all far more financially draining than my Twine novels were. I will likely add builds to itch.io and people can pay whatever they want on there with maybe a minimum of a couple of bucks or something. I will go over this on a YouTube video I am releasing this week in conjunction with the demo of F:CoC. Basically, until I hit 3k a month on patreon, there will not be free content released. (simply because I cannot personally afford it) I do not believe people will think me a tyrant or greedy about this as you all know I have no other income than Patreon and I want to produce content for you all, until the day I die, but the video games actually have substantial cost to me and I HAVE to earn enough to live AND afford to make the content. $5 a month on a patreon is as much as a cheap lunch at a fast food place here in the USA, so I am hopeful people will feel more compelled to invest in me if they have to in order to get content (though I am sure pirates will get their hands on my work too, but hopefully when they do, it will send more people here). Anyway, the long story short is- if I hit my 3k a month goal, then I will happily release free builds every time I have a new build, because at that point I can afford to. If I do not make enough money, then the time between builds will be MUCH longer, because out of the measly 12k I make a year, I will have to save up for months and then be able to afford new builds/models/music. This also means I will not be able to release free builds after the demo (which Blank programmed for free, but with the models and music, even this free demo cost me $900 on music and probably 2k or more on the models- if I do not even consider the time I had to spend on it, which took away from my C:I work time). I hope that makes sense and seems rational.


When you get to your goal and you start thinking about releasing the game free. I highly recommend (for the game, not novels) you think about always having the free version a patch behind, so it goes free when a new patch comes to pledgers. That'll keep interest in your games and an incentive to pledge but not a requirement (Free will just not be most up to date content)


Fenoxo's system works, people can't always afford to support large amounts each month but thousands of $5 a month pledges goes a long way


I personally think your system for your novels shouldn’t change but I’m going to use them as an example. When you post Chapter 1 to pledges everyone gets it and it doesn’t go free yet. All changes/fixes are given to pledges right away. When you complete Chapter 2 all pledges get it and Chapter 1 becomes free. So at all times the free is behind on content. Making anyone that wants to play current build have to pledge but not requiring a large pledge. Anyone that can’t/doesn’t want to has to wait for new content but can still enjoy free content.


The person I referred to has been making his (now) two games for a long time but it’s proven that more people pledge $5 a month than any other teir. But because of his system that brings a lot more pledges and he makes out in the long run by (now) making over 36k a month. He has over 7k pledges at $5 a month and under 700 pledges at $10, hardly any at higher tiers.


With that system it pleases the masses even if it takes you a while for the big content patch. Little fixes/changes continue thru out development until the new content is out. It’s brilliant

Tobias Bruinsma

Not really necessary i guess but as a long time patreon investor of Fenoxo (5 dollars per month) i can vouch for what Yshomatsu said!


That really has been sort of the plan in my mind for a long time. I think it will work best and I will be addressing all this in a YouTube video this weekend.