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In case any of you read any of Chi's work or played on the Hypnopics RP forums, I wanted to take a moment and let you know that his body has, indeed, died.  He had an excellent ability to write and create, but cancer took its toll, and his body could not overcome it.  Of course, I wish him the best in death as I would in life.  I only wanted to take a moment to let you all know.


Aftermath Team

I've been sitting here for a few minutes feeling like I should say something. I lost a daughter to cancer a few years ago, and know from experience that is can be a very difficult time for everyone involved. While I have enjoyed some of their work in the past, I did not know them personally. Even so, such a noteworthy member of the community will be dearly missed. I hope that their passing was peaceful, surrounded by people who love them.


had the same thoughts, but couldn't find a way to say it, so thanks and well said.

Aftermath Team

With things like this, the best we can do is speak from the heart. There are no magic words that can take away the heartache for those who are affected by a loss like this, otherwise I'd say them. The best we can do is let people know that we care, and be supported as we are able.