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That's right, and yes, I use the term 'early release' lightly as I would have liked to have it finished at the beginning of the month, but you all know how life was and that fight programming proved difficult.  Again, I'd like to thank one of you whom shall remain nameless for your help!  Thanks to that individual, I was able to do this without slowing down Factions.  Anyway, I will just release this no matter what, because we can always go back and tweak the fight system if need be, but it appears solid and easy to use!  So, let me put my finishing touches on everything to polish it up, and expect it released by Tuesday at the latest!  (Sooner if I can!)



Everything always comes out AFTER my two days off!!! lol Great job, looking forward to seeing this new fight system you speak of


I'm sorry! I have been trying exceptionally hard to finish it up and have it at my standards, and it is very close, very, very close. You never know, might even come out, tomorrow!


the joke was towards everything, movies, games. Always seems to be after my days off. Wasn't against you =P Now get back to work mr it's only 1am! haha