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C:I - As usual, I will start off by saying to all patrons- Remember every chapter of C:I is THREE chapters worth of writing, programming (easy for some of you- not me) and THREE chapters worth of CGI renders! That said, this combat stuff if kicking my butt.  I had a dinky version of it working yesterday, and if I have to use it, I will, but a patron, that wishes to remain anonymous, emailed me a fantastic new way of doing my combat.  I told them some spoilers from future chapters and we may end up with a very easy (easy enough for The Anax to use, at least) fight system which I can then carry over to other chapters and even projects!

He will be going over my ideas for enemy powers and such tonight, and I am getting very close to releasing chapter 2.  Again, let me please assure you all that I am grateful for your patience as I get this in a working, professional manner, and again, it will pay off in the long run because henceforth, it will be as easy as copy/paste and switching up stats based on the fight.  Hopefully, with as amazing as his skills seems, we will crank this out quickly- and that means a release before August 1st!  I want to get this done... I can't even sleep at night, all I see is fight variables!

Factions -  Things are proceeding.  As of now, be aware that, it looks as if I will basically be contracting Blank to make this Unity game.  Hopefully when the community sees it is something new, fresh and unique, they will respond by patroning me, so I can pay Blank to continue making the game.  This first release will be a 'pre-alpha'/proof-of-concept version.  It will gauge what the community thinks, and will be a very simple not flashy version of the game.  He is building the bones of the game, and once those are in place, switching out art assets and adding new characters and such will not prove too difficult.

So, I am only setting that expectation (and will likely mention it a couple of more times before the release).  I DO have a poll up for my $5 and up patrons, to give me an idea of what Factions to focus on first.  As always, I am surprised by the results, and it is slowly sloping to be all equal lol  However, Cereborgs and Succubi are the current lead votes.

General - I am basically now working full time on these projects- my only slowdown is the fight programming for javascript and CSS.  Otherwise, I have not even been able to play WoW on the new patch, because I am trying to get C:I Chap 2 finished for all of you!  Soon enough!  As always please give me feedback here or ask questions!  Also, you can always email or message me if you want privacy, but I thrive on feedback, thank you!


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