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Map includes only the "major" players of the region (East Swiss Alps). 

The Compact is also officially the size of Rhode Island! 

The region with dotted lines of Compact and Gorizia colors is a region of ambiguous authority. Technically, it is under the Compact because it is under the rule of the Prince-Bishopric of Chur but there are Tyrolian (Henry's) vassals in there as well. Since neither has cleared up the situation, it remains "vague." 

The voids of white are not empty but rather minor/irrelevant states of the region. The white void north of the Compact is also where Liechtenstein is... kind of. You can fit a lake and three Liechtensteins in there. Because there is a lake there in the northern most portion of it called Obersee. Yeah, Liechtenstein be really smol.



michael stitcher

As someone who lives on that map, you are missing a lehman sized lake in that light colored area on the western part of the map... and there are some extremely rugged and underpopulated regions straight north of milan.


Would you be referencing Walensee and Zurichsee? And the rugged area north of Milan would be the Abbey of Disentis?

michael stitcher

You are talking north and east, i am talkong north and west; Ticino switzerland and the cliffs around the lakes, as well as the high passes. Think the road to Como, or where there are currently only tunnels or high passes that didn't exist back then, barely a goat path it was so rugged and steep/still is. And then further north towards germany and france, lake lehman that splits the french alps from geneva, Montreux, and the jurat side that was controlled by the bishop of sion or lords of oron/counts of savoy. Later captured in thr burgundian wars by the Bernese.