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God of What?

Chapter 9


Bella looked up at the two people her goddess said were their friends.

First of all, they were tall. The god named Marris was as tall as her grandfather, but the guy named Yor was even taller than his god.

He also looked like a rough hero with his chiseled jawline and big, muscular form. He had to be someone strong, at least like a “Level” 3, right?

“Hi!” she quickly greeted them. “I’m Bell!”

The god looked at her for a second. She couldn’t tell exactly what he must be thinking about with his blank if somewhat surprised stare.

And then he stepped aside and smiled.

It was not a good smile.

“Come on in.”

‘Come in my parlor, little fly,’ grandfather cackled as he told the story.

Yes, he was giving off that vibe.

His “child” on the other hand looked exasperated from behind his god and gave her a look asking for forgiveness. Her goddess stepped through before she could think anymore about the creepy comparison she made of her goddess’s friend, and quickly followed after her.

They entered the tree-house (or house in a tree?) and her goddess quickly ran into the living room and then jumped onto the green couch. She bounced on it and then giggled.

“I got my first child!”

Bell blushed as the two men in the room turned to her with inspective gazes. She squirmed as the god walked around her once before nodding. He turned to Hestia and gave her a thumbs-up.

“She is cute as hell.”

“I know, right?!” Hestia squealed as she shot up on the couch, but that made her breasts do a lot of jiggling that left Bell feeling mortified on her behalf because her goddess obviously didn’t care that she was swinging her masses around in a room filled with men!

What if they weren’t nice?!

W-What if they had o-other intentions?!

‘You have to be careful, Bell!’ grandfather warned her with the utmost seriousness. ‘Unmarried men are like wolves. They want girls and women with them and in bed! They will drag you there if you aren’t careful!’

She glanced over at the two men in the room (or rather, the two men in their familia home).

They weren’t … doing anything.

Marris-sama was reserved, even if he did unabashedly look at her goddess’s body. He did not, however, act or speak about it.

The only adventurer of Marris was simply exasperated.

She jolted when he turned to look at her. “You are new to adventuring?” he asked her.


“Cool. I am new at it, too, though I am apparently good at it. Do you want to try working together?” He paused. “Actually, do you have equipment at all?”

“I … would very much like that, yes,” she nodded. “Also, I just became Hestia-sama’s child, so … I actually don’t know much about how the city works!” she laughed nervously at the end. “... Teach me?”

He snorted amusedly. “Sure,” he said as he turned to leave the building. “Follow me. I’ll take you to the guild. That’s where you want to start.”

She glanced at her goddess, who gave her a big and bright smile and enthusiastically gestured for her to go.

So she did.

As they left the house, she looked up to him and paused. “So … introduction?” she asked lamely and then with a nervous laugh. “I’m Bell! I come from Kokot Village!”

Yor paused; both of them have already crossed the edge of the property. “I’m Yor. Just a former adventurer turned wanderer turned adventurer again.”

“Oh! What did you do in your first adventurer life?”

He pondered as they began walking again.

“Well, let me tell you about my home. The place is called America, and it has some of the wildest people out there…”


Once Yor guided Bell back to Orario center and left me and Hestia alone, I turned my attention back to the goddess.

I watched her as she giggled and happily swung her impressive assets around as if they were meaningless.

Considering that I wanted to bang that ass and suck on those tits, they were not meaningless.


“Hmm?” she stopped her happy jiggling and looked up. She paused when she saw that I wasn’t happy. “What is it? Did you not like her?”

“I did say she was cute,” I replied with a sigh. “No, that’s not what I’m saying.” I leveled a glare at her. “Why do you dress so skimpily?”

She blinked and looked down at herself. She laughed nervously. “Ah, you see. I may have been living with Hephaestus, but I wasn’t exactly rich, you know? I had to work for these…”

“So you walk around swinging your tits for everyone to see?”

Because I was this close to just jumping you right now, you clueless woman!

She looked at me and then blushed.

“W-What does that have to do with you?” she pouted and defended herself.

I walked up to her, making her lean back against the couch. I leaned down at her and then pinned her between the couch and myself, leaving very little room for her to move.

“U-Uh, Alan?”

“Hestia. You walk around my house, sometimes almost naked, and think this hot blooded man doesn’t have thoughts about you?”

Would it be so wrong for me to … sample her? To touch her.

She blinked and then her face slowly reddened.

“A-Ah. Right. Sorry about that…?”

“You better be sorry about blueballing me every day,” I glared at her, and she looked away as her face lit up even more incandescently. “I demand compensation.”

“W-What?!” she asked in panic. “B-But I didn’t do anything!”

“You seduced me. I’m the victim here.”

She sputtered but then settled down. “W-What do you want?” she asked with a real pout now.

“A kiss.”

“... Huh?” she uttered as she looked up.

“A kiss,” I repeated as I leaned down, and she pushed herself into the couch even as her neck began to get red along with her face and ears.

Her mouth opened and closed in a good fish imitation before she sputtered out something once before trying again. “Y-You know that I’m … a v-v-virgin goddess, right?”

“And you are also the goddess of family,” I added firmly. This time, I took a risk and pushed myself up against her. Hestia didn’t notice that her legs had been open and now she found herself with me between her legs.

She froze before shivering a little and then pushing against my chest.

“O-Okay! Just a kiss!”

I nodded and leaned down. She closed her eyes and faced up.

I cupped the back of her head and kissed her.

If she thought I was going to let her off so easy, then she was mistaken.

She squirmed as our lips met, and then gasped when my tongue pushed in between her lips. Gasping let me in, and she bore through the french kiss.

I changed my internal biology along the bottom of my tongue and made secreting organ. It pumped out hormones - estrogen, mostly - that mixed in with my saliva and traveled down to her lips and mouth where they seeped into her body.

It was, in essence, forced arousal.

As the kiss deepened, she grew hotter and trembled more. She reached up and grabbed my shirt.

Finally, she moaned.

That’s where I broke the kiss.

She momentarily pawed at me, trying to get me to keep kissing her, but she froze as she realized what she was doing and stopped. She quickly wiped her lips and looked away.

“Can I kiss you again later?” I asked her.

“Yes!” she turned and almost shouted, and having realized just that, she lit up with a heavy blush.

“Good,” I crooned, and felt her legs shiver lightly around my waist. “You called yourself a virgin goddess, but that doesn’t mean you have to remain a virgin goddess.”

She trembled a little before looking away. She wasn’t giving me an explicit answer, but the implicit consideration in her lack of rejection also made me smirk.

“Think about it, okay?”

Then I gave her a kiss on her forehead and left her to stew in her currently thrice estrogen dosage that would have most mortals utterly begging for sex.

I would be surprised if she didn’t head off to her room or the bathroom to finger herself to exhaustion. I whistled innocently as I went to my own room before grimacing and quickly breaking down the few estrogen that was still in my saliva and then breaking down the new organ I just made.

Can’t have myself be seen as just as desperate as she was, now could I?



(❤️ ω ❤️)

Richard Whereat

God of Transformation, Gaslighting, and Clones.