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Vice Bunker

Chapter 27


Kali hummed as she tapped on her notepad the inventory of food and goods still in stock.

Since Alan opened up their - his - bunker to the PRT, who after their latest internal fiasco had apologized and pulled back from the tunnels, there has been a steady deficit in a monthly change in food and goods production. The overall net food and goods productions were still positive, but at this current rate, the net production would start dipping into the negative within the next six months.

This was bad news, of course, if she didn’t take into account that her second husband was capable of turning rocks into metal and metal into tools all by himself within the bowls of his ever-deepening “nest.”

When he wasn’t bending over young girls and women over and leaving them insensate with sex, of course, just like how he regularly did her.

Or sometimes pulled her completely off of her schedule by throwing her appointments out of the window and making her scream in ecstasy as he made her shout how much she loved his dick.

Actually, that should be exactly what Taylor was doing with Alan.

… Hmm, maybe she’ll go visit Alan tonight.

“Hi, Kali.”

Blinking, she looked over her shoulder and then turned around to face Danny. “Hey, Danny.”

“Always out early, huh?” he asked her with a smile. “How are the stocks?” he asked her as he turned to look at the plastic barrels in the storage.

Kali liked Danny. He was a competent and straight administrator and union leader. He made sure to take care of the people beneath him while also doing his job properly. He put all of himself into his job… probably because there was nothing else waiting for him back at home.

About a month ago, Taylor fully moved in with Alan just like she and Harley did. This left Danny completely alone at home, so the man spent more and more time at work.

She wouldn’t be surprised if he slept in his office most of the week.

“We have enough for two years at the very least,” she replied as she handed him her notepad. He looked at the digital screens for a moment, scrolled up and down, and nodded in satisfaction.

“That’s what I like to see,” he hummed as he returned it before looking at the green plastic barrels. “Even if … the origin of our food is less than palatable.”

“Better goop turned to food than starving,” she shrugged.

And wasn’t that the truth of it?

See, while the hydroponics and the farmhands worked tirelessly (taking up almost 40% of all jobs within Alan’s bunker), they did not make wheat, beets, or normal crops. Oh sure, there was designated hydroponic bays specifically for certain crops like potatoes and rice because of their efficiency (water was everywhere, after all), but most of the crops grown were … seaweeds.



It was a recent change to agriculture. Alan had built a separate vertical farming infrastructure elsewhere in the bunker, separating the two food production centers so that no one would starve if a cave-in occurred.

Seaweeds were great, especially ones that were genetically modified (tweaked, more like) to grow as quickly as possible. While Alan’s genetically tweaked seaweeds didn’t grow as fast as some of the native seaweeds (giant kelps over on the other coast of the giant continent she now called home apparently grew two feet a day), they still did grow quickly. Between the artificial light and near infinite seawater from the surface, there was no resource the seaweeds needed in extra.

So they grew only a foot per day.

Farmhands would harvest them, and take them to the processors.

Processors would perform chemical shenanigans upon the algae, and the end result was green and red goops made safe for human (and faunus) consumption.

With even more chemical black magic, the goops would turn into nutritious and okay tasting ration bars. Kali was basically a royal in the bunker because of her status as Alan’s lover, and even she had to eat a bar for her meal once a day.

And then she saw Danny hesitating.

Odd. Danny wasn’t one to hesitate, at least not over things like unions, infrastructure, and politics. He did, however, know very little about managing a family. Or more likely, he depended heavily on his late wife and the combination of depression and lack of know-how left him sorely out of depth.

“Is it about Taylor?” she asked him kindly.

He gritted his teeth and then nodded. “Is she … doing well?” he asked her.

The two Heberts had split over the issue of her relationship with Alan, and Alan wasn’t selfless enough to get Taylor to solve the issue with Danny, especially since it meant he got to have more of her time and attention.

“Yes, she is doing well. In fact, she is very happy about her current pregnancy.”

Danny grimaced, and she rolled her eyes. Men always hated it when it was their daughters who went and hitched with a boy their age. Unless they became friends with their son-in-law. It was a weird men's thing.

“You haven’t directly talked to Alan in some time.” It wasn’t an accusation or demand. She just stated a fact. However, Danny was putting his job on the line over this.


“Go talk to him and Taylor. I’m sure it will be fine. You know he’s not a bad guy.”

“He’s actively getting Taylor to pull away from me.”

“That’s what girls and boys do when they grow up. Suck it up, you big baby.”

He glared at her for a moment before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. “Fine.”

“Good. I keep telling you that it’ll be okay. Just … don’t walk in on them.”

He winced. “Got it. Do you know a good time that I can stop by? Maybe let them know so that ... I don’t do that?”

“Sure! I’ll send over an e-mail later today. We do have jobs that need doing.”

“Right. Right. Thanks, Kali.”


Rant A/N: I know, I know. The image is not completely in line with how Kali actually looks lin RWBY. However, I am quickly running into novelai limits. And you will not believe how much it does not want to put stress lines. Fucking hell, I even put old, but those give me grandmas! But noooo.... whoever made the NovelAI had a thing for lolis because that's the default for "small breasts"



Tom smith

Did the tags of milf or cougar not work?


I tried both. Cougar (if half-incorrectly combined) makes a furry. MILF, on the other hand, has the same effect as "mature female," which is the tag used by danbooru/gelbooru that nai diffusion pulled from so adding one, the other, or both all had the same effect: nothing.